$langSetup["setupcomplete"]="Setup is now complete. You may go to the <a href=\"../index.php\">main page</a> now and log in with your new user account.";
$langSetup["disabledesc"]="Leaving the script accessible from browser is a major security risk. Anybody will be able to run it, delete your database and set up new user account. Delete the file or disable it by setting %s value back to %s.";// substitutes variable name and value
$langSetup["disabledwarn"]="For security reasons this script is disabled by default. To enable it you must edit 'scripts/setup.php' file in text editor and set %s variable at the beginning of the file to %s.";// substitutes variable name and value
$langSetup["lineshouldread"]="Line: %s should read: %s";
$langSetup["dorestart"]="Please restart this script when you are done.";
$langSetup["createconfig"]="Please create 'config.php' file in root folder. You may start by copying it from 'config.default.php'. Make sure that you adjust config values to match your needs and your database setup.";
$langSetup["nodbsettings"]="You must provide your database credentials in 'config.php' file (%s).";// substitutes variable names
$langSetup["scriptdesc"]="This script will set up tables needed for µlogger (%s). They will be created in your database named %s. Warning, if the tables already exist they will be dropped and recreated, their content will be destroyed.";// substitutes table names and db name
$langSetup["scriptdesc2"]="When done the script will ask you to provide user name and password for your µlogger user.";
$lang["userdelwarn"]="Pas op!\n\nJe gaat definitief gebruiker %s weghalen, inclusief alle routes en tracks.\n\nWeet je het zeker?";// substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"]="Je bent gebruiker %s aan het veranderen";// substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"]="Je kunt niet je eigen gebruiker hier veranderen";
$lang["positiondelwarn"]="Warning!\n\nYou are going to permanently delete position %d of track %s.\n\nAre you sure?";// substitutes position index and track name
$lang["editingposition"]="You are editing position #%d of track %s";// substitutes position index and track name
$lang["owntrackswarn"]="Je kunt alleen je eigen tracks veranderen";
$lang["gmauthfailure"]="Er is een probleem met de Google Maps API key op deze pagina";
$lang["gmapilink"]="Je vindt meer info over API keys op <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key\">this Google webpage</a>";
$lang["import"]="Importeer track";
$lang["iuploadfailure"]="Uploadie mislukt";
$lang["iparsefailure"]="Verwerking mislukt";
$lang["idatafailure"]="Geen track data in geïmporteerd bestand";
$lang["isizefailure"]="Het upload bestand kan niet groter zijn dan %d bytes";// substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"]="Info, meerdere tracks geïmporteerd (%d)";// substitutes number of imported tracks