diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8ebab90..05506ad 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Together with a dedicated [μlogger mobile client](https://github.com/bfabiszews
- http://flaa.fabiszewski.net/ulogger/
## Requirements:
-- PHP 5.5 (5.4 with [password_compat](https://github.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-server/blob/master/helpers/user.php#L24))
+- PHP 5.5 (5.4 with [password_compat](https://github.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-server/blob/04b2b771398d8511bfa6fe8a85d58162bd32fc46/helpers/user.php#L24))
- MySQL 4.1
- browser with javascript enabled, cookies for authentication and saving preferences
@@ -25,20 +25,19 @@ Together with a dedicated [μlogger mobile client](https://github.com/bfabiszews
- simple admin menu
## Install
-- Download the zip or clone the repository on your computer
-- Move it to your web server directory
-- Use script/ulogger.sql file to create database and tables (you can use a MySQL interface such as [PhpMyAdmin](https://www.phpmyadmin.net))
-- Create a copy of config.default.php and rename it config.php. Add database credentials in it
-- Make sure you have a web server running, e.g. Apache, also PHP and MySQL
-- Open a browser and go to http://your_local_server/ulogger-server/
-- Connect with admin/admin
-- **Change admin password**
-- Create other user if needed
+- Download zipped archive or clone the repository on your computer
+- Move it to your web server directory (unzip if needed)
+- Create database and MySQL user (at least SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE privileges, CREATE, DROP for setup script)
+- Create a copy of `config.default.php` and rename it to `config.php`. Customize it and add database credentials
+- Edit `scripts/setup.php` script, enable it by setting [$enabled](https://github.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-server/blob/master/scripts/setup.php#L21) value to `true`
+- Make sure you have a web server running with PHP and MySQL
+- Open http://YOUR_HOST/ulogger-server/scripts/setup.php page in your browser
+- Follow instructions in setup script. It will add database tables and set up your μlogger user
+- **Remember to remove or disable `scripts/setup.php` script**
+- Log in with your new user on http://YOUR_HOST/ulogger-server/
## Todo
-- install script
-- custom icons
-- track editing
+- improve track editing
- track display filters (accurracy, provider)
## License
diff --git a/helpers/config.php b/helpers/config.php
index 8f2e4bd..e30bb77 100644
--- a/helpers/config.php
+++ b/helpers/config.php
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@
if (isset($_COOKIE["ulogger_interval"])) { self::$interval = $_COOKIE["ulogger_interval"]; }
+ public function isFileLoaded() {
+ return self::$fileLoaded;
+ }
* Regex to test if password matches strength and length requirements.
* Valid for both php and javascript
diff --git a/helpers/db.php b/helpers/db.php
index db7b030..e28b800 100644
--- a/helpers/db.php
+++ b/helpers/db.php
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
header("HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable");
- die("Database connection error (" . $this->connect_errno . ")");
+ die("Database connection error (" . $this->connect_error . ")");
diff --git a/lang.php b/lang.php
index 3a61736..a2fe7be 100755
--- a/lang.php
+++ b/lang.php
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
$lang['passrules'] = isset($lang["passrules"][$config::$pass_strength]) ? $lang["passrules"][$config::$pass_strength] : "";
$lang['passlenmin'] = sprintf($lang["passlenmin"], $config::$pass_lenmin);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/en.php b/lang/en.php
index 0a2c5e4..50e8a55 100644
--- a/lang/en.php
+++ b/lang/en.php
@@ -19,6 +19,34 @@
// default language for translations
+// strings only used in setup
+$langSetup["dbconnectfailed"] = "Database connection failed.";
+$langSetup["serversaid"] = "Server said: %s"; // substitutes server error message
+$langSetup["checkdbsettings"] = "Please check database settings in 'config.php' file.";
+$langSetup["dbqueryfailed"] = "Database query failed.";
+$langSetup["dbtablessuccess"] = "Database tables successfully created!";
+$langSetup["setupuser"] = "Now please set up your µlogger user.";
+$langSetup["congratulations"] = "Congratulations!";
+$langSetup["setupcomplete"] = "Setup is now complete. You may go to the main page now and log in with your new user account.";
+$langSetup["disablewarn"] = "IMPORTANT! YOU MUST DISABLE 'setup.php' SCRIPT OR REMOVE IT FROM YOUR SERVER.";
+$langSetup["disabledesc"] = "Leaving the script accessible from browser is a major security risk. Anybody will be able to run it, delete your database and set up new user account. Delete the file or disable it by setting %s value back to %s."; // substitutes variable name and value
+$langSetup["setupfailed"] = "Unfortunately something has gone wrong. You may try to find more info in your webserver logs.";
+$langSetup["welcome"] = "Welcome to µlogger!";
+$langSetup["phpversionwarn"] = "Warning! Your PHP version (%s) is probably too low. This application may not function properly with PHP versions lower than 5.4."; // substitutes php version number
+$langSetup["disabledwarn"] = "For security reasons this script is disabled by default. To enable it you must edit 'scripts/setup.php' file in text editor and set %s variable at the beginning of the file to %s."; // substitutes variable name and value
+$langSetup["lineshouldread"] = "Line: %s should read: %s";
+$langSetup["passfuncwarn"] = "Your PHP version does not support password functions that ship with PHP 5.5. You have to include password_compat library.";
+$langSetup["passfunchack"] = "Please edit 'helpers/user.php' file and uncomment line including 'helpers/password.php'.";
+$langSetup["dorestart"] = "Please restart this script when you are done.";
+$langSetup["createconfig"] = "Please create 'config.php' file in root folder. You may start by copying it from 'config.default.php'. Make sure that you adjust config values to match your needs and your database setup.";
+$langSetup["nodbsettings"] = "You must provide your database credentials in 'config.php' file (%s)."; // substitutes variable names
+$langSetup["scriptdesc"] = "This script will set up tables needed for µlogger. They will be created in your database named %s. Warning, if the tables already exist they will be dropped and recreated, their content will be destroyed."; // substitutes db name
+$langSetup["scriptdesc2"] = "When done the script will ask you to provide user name and password for your µlogger user.";
+$langSetup["startbutton"] = "Press to start";
+$langSetup["restartbutton"] = "Restart";
+// application strings
$lang["title"] = "• μlogger •";
$lang["private"] = "You need login and password to access this page.";
$lang["authfail"] = "Wrong username or password";
diff --git a/lang/pl.php b/lang/pl.php
index 1b32ffb..a0922f8 100644
--- a/lang/pl.php
+++ b/lang/pl.php
@@ -17,6 +17,31 @@
* along with this program; if not, see .
+$langSetup["dbconnectfailed"] = "Błąd połączenia z bazą danych.";
+$langSetup["serversaid"] = "Komunikat serwera: %s";
+$langSetup["checkdbsettings"] = "Proszę sprawdzić konfigurację bazy danych w pliku 'config.php'.";
+$langSetup["dbqueryfailed"] = "Błąd zapytania do bazy danych.";
+$langSetup["dbtablessuccess"] = "Pomyślnie utworzono tablice w bazie danych!";
+$langSetup["setupuser"] = "Skonfiguruj teraz swojego użytkownika w µloggerze.";
+$langSetup["congratulations"] = "Gratulacje!";
+$langSetup["setupcomplete"] = "Konfiguracja zakończona. Możesz teraz przejść do strony głównej i zalogować się na konto utworzonego użytkownika.";
+$langSetup["disablewarn"] = "WAŻNE! NAZLEŻY DEZAKTYWOWAĆ SKRYPT 'setup.php' ALBO USUNĄĆ GO Z SERWERA.";
+$langSetup["disabledesc"] = "Pozostawienie dostępu do skryptu z przeglądarki stanowi duże zagrożenie. Każdy będzie mógł go uruchomić, usunąć całą bazę danych i dodać nowego użytkownika. Usuń plik lub dezaktywuj go przywracając zmiennej %s wartość %s.";
+$langSetup["setupfailed"] = "Niestety coś poszło nie tak. Może znajdziesz więcej wskazówek w logach serwera www.";
+$langSetup["welcome"] = "Witaj w µloggerze!";
+$langSetup["phpversionwarn"] = "Uwaga! Twoja wersja PHP (%s) jest prawdopodobnie zbyt stara. Ta aplikacja może nie działać poprawnie z wersjami PHP niższymi od 5.4.";
+$langSetup["disabledwarn"] = "Ze względów bezpieczeństwa ten skrypt jest domyślnie wyłączony. Aby go aktywować należy otworzyć plik 'scripts/setup.php' w edytorze tekstu i zmienić wartość zmiennej %s na początku pliku na %s.";
+$langSetup["lineshouldread"] = "Linia: %s powinna zostać zmieniona na: %s";
+$langSetup["passfuncwarn"] = "Zainstalowana wersja PHP nie zawiera funkcji obsługujących hasła, dostępnych od wersji PHP 5.5. Musisz włączyć bibliotekę 'password_compat'.";
+$langSetup["passfunchack"] = "Otwórz proszę plik 'helpers/user.php' w edytorze tekstu i odkomentuj linię włączającą 'helpers/password.php'.";
+$langSetup["dorestart"] = "Uruchom ten skrypt ponownie, kiedy zakończysz.";
+$langSetup["createconfig"] = "Utwórz proszę plik 'config.php' w głównym folderze. Możesz skopiować jego początkową zawartość z pliku 'config.default.php'. Pamiętaj, żeby dostosować konfiguracje do swoich potrzeb i ustawień bazy danych.";
+$langSetup["nodbsettings"] = "Musisz skonfigurować parametry dostępu do bazy danych w pliku 'config.php' (%s).";
+$langSetup["scriptdesc"] = "Ten skrypt utworzy tablice niezbędne do działania aplikacji µlogger. Zostaną one utworzone w bazie danych o nazwie %s. Uwaga, jeśli tablice już istnieją, zostaną usunięte i utworzone ponownie, ich zawartość zostanie skasowana.";
+$langSetup["scriptdesc2"] = "Następnie skrypt poprosi o utworzenie konta do logowania w aplikacji µlogger.";
+$langSetup["startbutton"] = "Naciśnij, aby rozpocząć";
+$langSetup["restartbutton"] = "Uruchom ponownie";
$lang["title"] = "• μlogger •";
$lang["private"] = "Aby się zalogować musisz podać login i hasło";
$lang["authfail"] = "błędny login lub hasło";
diff --git a/scripts/setup.php b/scripts/setup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400820e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/setup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ */
+// This script is disabled by default. Change below to true before running.
+$enabled = false;
+/* -------------------------------------------- */
+/* no user modifications should be needed below */
+define("ROOT_DIR", dirname(__DIR__));
+require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/user.php");
+require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/config.php");
+$config = new uConfig();
+require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/lang.php");
+$command = isset($_REQUEST['command']) ? $_REQUEST['command'] : NULL;
+$messages = [];
+switch ($command) {
+ case "setup":
+ $queries = [];
+ // positions
+ $queries[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `positions`";
+ $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `positions` (
+ `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `track_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `latitude` double NOT NULL,
+ `longitude` double NOT NULL,
+ `altitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
+ `speed` double DEFAULT NULL,
+ `bearing` double DEFAULT NULL,
+ `accuracy` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `provider` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `comment` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `image_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `index_trip_id` (`track_id`),
+ KEY `index_user_id` (`user_id`)
+ // tracks
+ $queries[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tracks`";
+ $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `tracks` (
+ `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `comment` varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
+ // users
+ $queries[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`";
+ $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `users` (
+ `login` varchar(15) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
+ `password` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `login` (`login`)
+ $error = false;
+ try {
+ $mysqli = new mysqli($config::$dbhost, $config::$dbuser, $config::$dbpass, $config::$dbname);
+ } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e ) {
+ $messages[] = "{$langSetup["dbconnectfailed"]}";
+ $messages[] = sprintf($langSetup["serversaid"], "" . $e->getMessage() . "");
+ $messages[] = $langSetup["checkdbsettings"];
+ break;
+ }
+ try {
+ $mysqli->set_charset('utf8');
+ foreach ($queries as $query) {
+ $mysqli->query($query);
+ }
+ } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) {
+ $messages[] = "{$langSetup["dbqueryfailed"]}";
+ $messages[] = sprintf($langSetup["serversaid"], "" . $e->getMessage() . "");
+ $error = true;
+ }
+ $mysqli->close();
+ if (!$error) {
+ $messages[] = "{$langSetup["dbtablessuccess"]}";
+ $messages[] = $langSetup["setupuser"];
+ $form = "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/ulogger.sql b/scripts/ulogger.sql
index 4e975aa..fd3d69e 100755
--- a/scripts/ulogger.sql
+++ b/scripts/ulogger.sql
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ ALTER TABLE `users`
-- This will add default user admin with password admin
-- The password should be changed immediatelly after installation
+-- Uncomment if needed
-INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `login`, `password`) VALUES
-(1, 'admin', '$2y$10$7OvZrKgonVZM9lkzrTbiou.CVhO3HjPk5y0W9L68fVwPs/osBRIMq');
\ No newline at end of file
+-- INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `login`, `password`) VALUES
+-- (1, 'admin', '$2y$10$7OvZrKgonVZM9lkzrTbiou.CVhO3HjPk5y0W9L68fVwPs/osBRIMq');
\ No newline at end of file