Update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Všechna pole jsou povinná";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Hesla neodpovídají";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Akce úspěšně dokončena";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Něco se pokazilo";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "Uživatel není oprávněn";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Upozornění:\n\nTrvale smažete uživatele %s spolu se všemi jeho trasami a pozicemi.\n\nJste si jist?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Upravujete uživatele %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Pomocí tohoto nástroje nemůžete upravovat vlastního uživatele";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "Žádné údaje o trase v importovaném souboru";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "Velikost nahraného souboru by neměla překročit %d bajtů"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Všimněte si, že bylo importováno více tras (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "Všichni uživatelé";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -20,43 +20,44 @@
// default language for translations
// strings only used in setup
$langSetup["dbconnectfailed"] = "Database connection failed.";
$langSetup["serversaid"] = "Server said: %s"; // substitutes server error message
$langSetup["checkdbsettings"] = "Please check database settings in 'config.php' file.";
$langSetup["dbqueryfailed"] = "Database query failed.";
$langSetup["dbtablessuccess"] = "Database tables successfully created!";
$langSetup["setupuser"] = "Now please set up your µlogger user.";
$langSetup["congratulations"] = "Congratulations!";
$langSetup["setupcomplete"] = "Setup is now complete. You may go to the <a href=\"../index.php\">main page</a> now and log in with your new user account.";
$langSetup["disablewarn"] = "IMPORTANT! YOU MUST DISABLE 'setup.php' SCRIPT OR REMOVE IT FROM YOUR SERVER.";
$langSetup["dbconnectfailed"] = "Datenbankverbindung fehlgeschlagen";
$langSetup["serversaid"] = "Serverantwort: %s"; // substitutes server error message
$langSetup["checkdbsettings"] = "Überprüfe die Datenbankeinstellungen in der Datei 'config.php'";
$langSetup["dbqueryfailed"] = "Datenbankabfrage fehlgeschlagen.";
$langSetup["dbtablessuccess"] = "Datenbank-Tabellen erfolgreich angelegt.";
$langSetup["setupuser"] = "Lege jetzt deinen Benutzer an.";
$langSetup["congratulations"] = "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!";
$langSetup["setupcomplete"] = "Die Einrichtung ist abgeschlossen. Rufe die <a href=\"../index.php\">Hauptseite</a> auf und logge Dich mit deinem Benutzer ein.";
$langSetup["disablewarn"] = "WICHTIG! Du musst die 'setup.php' deaktivieren oder vom Server löschen.";
$langSetup["disabledesc"] = "Leaving the script accessible from browser is a major security risk. Anybody will be able to run it, delete your database and set up new user account. Delete the file or disable it by setting %s value back to %s."; // substitutes variable name and value
$langSetup["setupfailed"] = "Unfortunately something has gone wrong. You may try to find more info in your webserver logs.";
$langSetup["welcome"] = "Welcome to µlogger!";
$langSetup["disabledwarn"] = "For security reasons this script is disabled by default. To enable it you must edit 'scripts/setup.php' file in text editor and set %s variable at the beginning of the file to %s."; // substitutes variable name and value
$langSetup["lineshouldread"] = "Line: %s should read: %s";
$langSetup["setupfailed"] = "Das hat leider nicht funktioniert. Du findest möglicherweise weitere Informationen in den Logs deines Webservers.";
$langSetup["welcome"] = "Willkommen bei µlogger!";
$langSetup["disabledwarn"] = "Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist das Skript standardmäßig deaktiviert. Zum Aktivieren editiere die Datei 'scripts/setup.php' und setze die Variable %s am Anfang der Datei auf den Wert %s."; // substitutes variable name and value
$langSetup["lineshouldread"] = "Zeile %s sollte den Wert %s enthalten.";
$langSetup["passfuncwarn"] = "Your PHP version does not support password functions that ship with PHP 5.5. You have to include password_compat library.";
$langSetup["passfunchack"] = "Please edit 'helpers/user.php' file and uncomment line including 'helpers/password.php'.";
$langSetup["dorestart"] = "Please restart this script when you are done.";
$langSetup["createconfig"] = "Please create 'config.php' file in root folder. You may start by copying it from 'config.default.php'. Make sure that you adjust config values to match your needs and your database setup.";
$langSetup["nodbsettings"] = "You must provide your database credentials in 'config.php' file (%s)."; // substitutes variable names
$langSetup["scriptdesc"] = "This script will set up tables needed for µlogger (%s). They will be created in your database named %s. Warning, if the tables already exist they will be dropped and recreated, their content will be destroyed."; // substitutes table names and db name
$langSetup["dorestart"] = "Rufe das Skript erneut auf wenn das erledigt ist.";
$langSetup["createconfig"] = "Bitte erstellt die Datei 'config.php' im Stammverzeichnis. Du kannst die Datei 'config.default.php' umbenennen oder kopieren. Stelle sicher, dass in der Datei die korrekten Einstellungen hinterlegt sind.";
$langSetup["nodbsettings"] = "Die Verbindungsdaten zur Datenbank müssen in der Datei 'config.php' hinterlegt werden. (%s)"; // substitutes variable names
$langSetup["scriptdesc"] = "Das Skript richtet die Datenbanktabellen für µlogger (%s) in der Datenbank %s ein.\n\n
ACHTUNG: Wenn die Tabellen bereits vorhanden sind, werden sie gelöscht und neu angelegt. Der Inhalt geht dadurch verloren!"; // substitutes table names and db name
$langSetup["scriptdesc2"] = "When done the script will ask you to provide user name and password for your µlogger user.";
$langSetup["startbutton"] = "Press to start";
$langSetup["restartbutton"] = "Restart";
$langSetup["optionwarn"] = "PHP configuration option %s must be set to %s."; // substitutes option name and value
$langSetup["extensionwarn"] = "Required PHP extension %s is not available."; // substitutes extension name
$langSetup["startbutton"] = "Klicken zum Starten";
$langSetup["restartbutton"] = "Neu starten";
$langSetup["optionwarn"] = "Die PHP-Konfiguration %s muss auf den Wert %s gesetzt sein."; // substitutes option name and value
$langSetup["extensionwarn"] = "Die PHP-Erweiterung %s ist nicht verfügbar."; // substitutes extension name
// application strings
$lang["title"] = "• μlogger •";
$lang["private"] = "Sie müssen Benutzernamen und Kennwort eingeben, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.";
$lang["private"] = "Sie müssen Benutzername und Passwort eingeben, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.";
$lang["authfail"] = "Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort";
$lang["user"] = "Benutzer";
$lang["track"] = "Route";
$lang["latest"] = "letzte Position";
$lang["autoreload"] = "Autoneuladen";
$lang["reload"] = "Neuladen";
$lang["export"] = "Download Daten";
$lang["export"] = "Route exportieren";
$lang["chart"] = "Höhentabelle";
$lang["close"] = "Schließen";
$lang["time"] = "Zeit";
@ -65,9 +66,9 @@ $lang["accuracy"] = "Genauigkeit";
$lang["altitude"] = "Höhe";
$lang["ttime"] = "Gesamte Zeit";
$lang["aspeed"] = "Durchschnittstempo";
$lang["tdistance"] = "Gesamt Entfernung";
$lang["tdistance"] = "Distanz";
$lang["pointof"] = "Punkt %d von %d"; // e.g. Point 3 of 10
$lang["summary"] = "Streckenzusammenfassung";
$lang["summary"] = "Infos zur Route";
$lang["suser"] = "Wähle Benutzer";
$lang["logout"] = "Abmelden";
$lang["login"] = "Anmelden";
@ -77,51 +78,61 @@ $lang["language"] = "Sprache";
$lang["newinterval"] = "Neuen Intervall-Wert eingeben (in Sekunden)";
$lang["api"] = "Karten API";
$lang["units"] = "Maßsystem";
$lang["metric"] = "Metrisches";
$lang["imperial"] = "Angloamerikanisches";
$lang["metric"] = "Metrisch";
$lang["imperial"] = "US-Amerikanisch";
$lang["nautical"] = "Nautisch";
$lang["adminmenu"] = "Verwaltung";
$lang["passwordrepeat"] = "Repeat password";
$lang["passwordenter"] = "Enter password";
$lang["usernameenter"] = "Enter username";
$lang["adduser"] = "Add user";
$lang["userexists"] = "User exists";
$lang["cancel"] ="Cancel";
$lang["submit"] = "Submit";
$lang["oldpassword"] = "Old password";
$lang["newpassword"] = "New password";
$lang["newpasswordrepeat"] = "Repeat new password";
$lang["changepass"] = "Change password";
$lang["passwordrepeat"] = "Passwort wiederholen";
$lang["passwordenter"] = "Passwort eingeben";
$lang["usernameenter"] = "Benutzername eingeben";
$lang["adduser"] = "Benutzer hinzufügen";
$lang["userexists"] = "Benutzer existiert bereits!";
$lang["cancel"] ="Abbrechen";
$lang["submit"] = "Speichern";
$lang["oldpassword"] = "Altes Kennwort";
$lang["newpassword"] = "Neues Passwort";
$lang["newpasswordrepeat"] = "Neues Passwort wiederholen";
$lang["changepass"] = "Passwort ändern";
$lang["gps"] = "GPS";
$lang["network"] = "Network";
$lang["deluser"] = "Remove user";
$lang["edituser"] = "Edit user";
$lang["servererror"] = "Server error";
$lang["allrequired"] = "All fields are required";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Passwords don't match";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Action completed successfully";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Something went wrong";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Warning!\n\nYou are going to permanently delete user %s, together with all their routes and positions.\n\nAre you sure?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "You are editing user %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Your can't edit your own user with this tool";
$lang["apifailure"] = "Sorry, can't load %s API"; // substitutes api name (gmaps or openlayers)
$lang["trackdelwarn"] = "Warning!\n\nYou are going to permanently delete track %s and all its positions.\n\nAre you sure?"; // substitutes track name
$lang["editingtrack"] = "You are editing track %s"; // substitutes track name
$lang["deltrack"] = "Remove track";
$lang["trackname"] = "Track name";
$lang["edittrack"] = "Edit track";
$lang["passlenmin"] = "Password must be at least %d characters"; // substitutes password minimum length
$lang["passrules_1"] = "It should contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter";
$lang["passrules_2"] = "It should contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one digit";
$lang["passrules_3"] = "It should contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one non-alphanumeric character";
$lang["owntrackswarn"] = "Your can only edit your own tracks";
$lang["gmauthfailure"] = "There may be problem with Google Maps API key on this page";
$lang["gmapilink"] = "You may find more information about API keys on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key\">this Google webpage</a>";
$lang["import"] = "Import track";
$lang["iuploadfailure"] = "Uploading failed";
$lang["iparsefailure"] = "Parsing failed";
$lang["idatafailure"] = "No track data in imported file";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "The uploaded file size should not exceed %d bytes"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Notice, multiple tracks imported (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["network"] = "Netzwerk";
$lang["deluser"] = "Benutzer löschen";
$lang["edituser"] = "Benutzer bearbeiten";
$lang["servererror"] = "Serverfehler";
$lang["allrequired"] = "Alle Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein!";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Aktion erfolgreich abgeschlossen";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Da ist etwas schief gelaufen";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Achtung!\n\nDer Benutzer %s und all seine Routen werden endgültig gelöscht!\n\nBist Du sicher?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Du bearbeitest Benutzer %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Du kannst deinen eigenen Benutzer nicht bearbeiten.";
$lang["apifailure"] = "Die API %s kann nicht geladen werden"; // substitutes api name (gmaps or openlayers)
$lang["trackdelwarn"] = "Achtung!\n\nDie Route %s wird endgültig gelöscht!\n\nBist Du sicher?"; // substitutes track name
$lang["editingtrack"] = "Du bearbeitest Route %s"; // substitutes track name
$lang["deltrack"] = "Route löschen";
$lang["trackname"] = "Name der Route";
$lang["edittrack"] = "Route bearbeiten";
$lang["passlenmin"] = "Das Passwort muss mindestens %d Zeichen lang sein."; // substitutes password minimum length
$lang["passrules_1"] = "Es muss mindestens einen Groß- und einen Kleinbuchstaben enthalten.";
$lang["passrules_2"] = "Es muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben sowie eine Zahl enthalten.";
$lang["passrules_3"] = "Es muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl sowie ein Sonderzeichen enthalten.";
$lang["owntrackswarn"] = "Du kannst nur deine eigenen Routen bearbeiten!";
$lang["gmauthfailure"] = "Der API-Schlüssel für Google Maps ist ungültig.";
$lang["gmapilink"] = "Weitere Informationen zum API-Schlüssel findest Du <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key\">bei Google</a>.";
$lang["import"] = "Route importieren";
$lang["iuploadfailure"] = "Hochladen fehlgeschlagen";
$lang["iparsefailure"] = "Import der Route fehlgeschlagen";
$lang["idatafailure"] = "Die Datei enthält keine Routendaten";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "Die Größe der hochgeladenen Datei sollte %d Bytes nicht überschreiten."; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "%d Routen importiert"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "Alle Benutzer";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Todos los campos son necesarios";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Las contraseñas no coinciden";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Acción completada correctamente";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Ha ocurrido un error";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Precaución!\n\nVas a eliminar permanentemente al usuario %s, junto con todas sus rutas y posiciones.\n\n¿Estás seguro?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Estás editando el usuario %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "No puedes editar tu propio usuario";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "No hay datos de ruta en el archivo importado";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "EL tamaño del archivo no debe superar los %d bytes"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Varias rutas importadas (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "Todos los usuarios";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Tous les champs sont requis";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Les mots de passe sont différents";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Action effectuée avec succès";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Echec de l'action";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Attention !\n\nVous êtes sur le point de supprimer de manière permanente l'utilisateur %s, ainsi que toutes ses pistes et positions.\n\nÊtes-vous sûr ?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Vous êtes en train d'éditer l'utilisateur %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer votre propre utilisateur de cette manière";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "No track data in imported file";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "The uploaded file size should not exceed %d bytes"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Notice, multiple tracks imported (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "All fields are required";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Passwords don't match";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Action completed successfully";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Something went wrong";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Warning!\n\nYou are going to permanently delete user %s, together with all their routes and positions.\n\nAre you sure?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "You are editing user %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Your can't edit your own user with this tool";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "No track data in imported file";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "The uploaded file size should not exceed %d bytes"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Notice, multiple tracks imported (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Tutti i campi sono obbligatori";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Le password sono diverse";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Completato con successo";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Qualcosa è andato storto";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Attenzione!\n\nStai eliminando permanentemente l'utente %s, con tutte le tracce e le posizioni.\n\nSei sicuro?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Stai modificando l'utente %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Non puoi modificare il tuo utente con questo strumento";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "Nessun tracciato nel file importato";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "La dimensione del file caricato non deve superare i %d byte"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Tracce multiple importate (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Alle velden zijn benodigd";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Passwords zijn niet gelijk";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Actie succesvol afgerond";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Iets ging verkeerd";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Pas op!\n\nJe gaat definitief gebruiker %s weghalen, inclusief alle routes en tracks.\n\nWeet je het zeker?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Je bent gebruiker %s aan het veranderen"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Je kunt niet je eigen gebruiker hier veranderen";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "Geen track data in geïmporteerd bestand";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "Het upload bestand kan niet groter zijn dan %d bytes"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Info, meerdere tracks geïmporteerd (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Wszystkie pola są wymagane";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Hasła nie pasują do siebie";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Operacja zakończona pomyślnie";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Wystąpił błąd";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "Brak autoryzacji";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Uwaga!\n\nTa operacja nieodwracalnie usunie użytkownika %s wraz ze wszystkimi jego trasami i pozycjami.\n\nCzy na pewno?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Edytujesz użytkownika %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Nie można edytować własnego użytkownika za pomocą tego narzędzia";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "Brak trasy w importowanym pliku";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "Wielkość importowanego pliku nie może przekraczać %d bajtów"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "Uwaga, zaimportowano kilka tras (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "Wszyscy";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "Все поля необходимы для заполн
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "Пароли не совпадают";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "Выполнено успешно";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "Что-то пошло не так";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "Пользователь не авторизован";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "Внимание!\n\nВы хотите безвозвратно удалить пользователя %s, вместе со всеми его треками и локациями.\n\nВы уверены?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "Вы редактируете пользователя %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "Вы не можете редактировать ваших собственных пользователей при помощи этого инструмента";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "Импортированный трек не содер
$lang["isizefailure"] = "Размер выгружаемого файла не может превышать %d байт "; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = " Уведомление, несколько треков импортированы (%d)"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "Все пользователи";
$lang["unitday"] = "сут"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "км/ч"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "м"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "км"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ $lang["allrequired"] = "所有欄目均為必填";
$lang["passnotmatch"] = "密碼不匹配";
$lang["actionsuccess"] = "完成";
$lang["actionfailure"] = "失敗";
$lang["notauthorized"] = "User not authorized";
$lang["userdelwarn"] = "注意!\n\n您即將永久刪除用戶 %s 以及他/她的所有路徑和位置資料。\n\n確定刪除嗎?"; // substitutes user login
$lang["editinguser"] = "您正在編輯用戶 %s"; // substitutes user login
$lang["selfeditwarn"] = "您不能用此工具編輯您的用戶";
@ -124,4 +125,13 @@ $lang["idatafailure"] = "在上傳的檔案中未發現路徑數據";
$lang["isizefailure"] = "上傳的檔案大小不能超過 %d 比特哦"; // substitutes number of bytes
$lang["imultiple"] = "恭喜,%d 條路徑已導入"; // substitutes number of imported tracks
$lang["allusers"] = "All users";
$lang["unitday"] = "d"; // abbreviation for days, like 4 d 11:11:11
$lang["unitkmh"] = "km/h"; // kilometer per hour
$lang["unitm"] = "m"; // meter
$lang["unitkm"] = "km"; // kilometer
$lang["unitmph"] = "mph"; // mile per hour
$lang["unitft"] = "ft"; // feet
$lang["unitmi"] = "mi"; // mile
$lang["unitkt"] = "kt"; // knot
$lang["unitnm"] = "nm"; // nautical mile
Reference in New Issue
Block a user