<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; require_once("BaseDatabaseTestCase.php"); class UloggerAPITestCase extends BaseDatabaseTestCase { /** * @var null|GuzzleHttp\Client $http */ protected $http = null; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../.env')) { $dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::create(__DIR__ . '/..'); $dotenv->load(); $dotenv->required(['ULOGGER_URL']); } $url = getenv('ULOGGER_URL'); $this->http = new GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'base_uri' => $url, 'cookies' => true ]); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->http = null; } protected function getDataSet() { $this->resetAutoincrement(2); return $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(__DIR__ . '/../fixtures/fixture_admin.xml'); } /** * Authenticate on server * @param string|null $user Login (defaults to test user) * @param string|null $pass Optional password (defaults to test password) * @return bool true on success, false otherwise */ public function authenticate($user = NULL, $pass = NULL) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = $this->testAdminUser; } if (is_null($pass)) { $pass = $this->testAdminPass; } $options = [ 'http_errors' => false, 'form_params' => [ 'action' => 'auth', 'user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass ], ]; $response = $this->http->post('/client/index.php', $options); return ($response->getStatusCode() == 200); } } ?>