import * as gmApi from './mapapi/api_gmaps.js'; import * as olApi from './mapapi/api_openlayers.js'; import { config, lang } from './constants.js'; import uEvent from './event.js'; import { uLogger } from './ulogger.js'; import uUtils from './utils.js'; /** * @class uMap * @property {number} loadTime * @property {?Array} savedBounds * @property {?(gmApi|olApi)} api * @property {?HTMLElement} mapElement */ export default class uMap { /** * @param {uBinder} binder */ constructor(binder) { binder.addEventListener(uEvent.TRACK_READY, this); binder.addEventListener(uEvent.UI_READY, this); binder.addEventListener(uEvent.API_CHANGE, this); this.loadTime = 0; this.savedBounds = null; this.api = null; this.mapElement = null; } /** * Dynamic change of map api * @param {string=} apiName API name */ loadMapAPI(apiName) { if (apiName) { config.mapapi = apiName; try { this.savedBounds = this.api.getBounds(); } catch (e) { this.savedBounds = null; } this.api.cleanup(); } if (config.mapapi === 'gmaps') { this.api = gmApi; } else { this.api = olApi; } this.waitAndInit(); } /** * Try to initialize map engine */ waitAndInit() { // wait till main api loads if (this.loadTime > 10000) { this.loadTime = 0; alert(uUtils.sprintf(lang.strings['apifailure'], config.mapapi)); return; } try { this.api.init(this.mapElement); } catch (e) { setTimeout(() => { this.loadTime += 50; this.waitAndInit(); }, 50); return; } this.loadTime = 0; let update = 1; if (this.savedBounds) { this.api.zoomToBounds(this.savedBounds); update = 0; } // if (latest && isSelectedAllUsers()) { // loadLastPositionAllUsers(); // } else { // loadTrack(ns.userId, ns.trackId, update); uLogger.trackList.onChange(); // } // save current api as default uUtils.setCookie('api', config.mapapi, 30); } /** * * @param {uEvent} event * @param {*=} args */ handleEvent(event, args) { if (event.type === uEvent.TRACK_READY) { const track = args; this.api.clearMap(); /** @todo use update */ const update = 1; this.api.displayTrack(track, update); } else if (event.type === uEvent.UI_READY) { /** @type {uUI} */ const ui = args; this.mapElement =; this.loadMapAPI(); } else if (event.type === uEvent.API_CHANGE) { /** @type {string} */ const api = args; this.loadMapAPI(api); } } }