import { config, lang } from './constants.js'; import uEvent from './event.js'; import { uLogger } from './ulogger.js'; import uUtils from './utils.js'; export default class uUI { /** * @param {uBinder} binder */ constructor(binder) { this._binder = binder; binder.addEventListener(uEvent.CONFIG, this); binder.addEventListener(uEvent.CHART_READY, this); binder.addEventListener(uEvent.OPEN_URL, this); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { this.initUI(); }); this.isLiveOn = false; } /** * Initialize uUI elements */ initUI() { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ = document.getElementById('menu'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.menuHead = document.getElementById('menu_head'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.userDropdown = document.getElementById('user_dropdown'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.menuPass = document.getElementById('menu_pass'); // noinspection JSValidateTypes /** @type {?HTMLSelectElement} */ this.userSelect = function () { const list = document.getElementsByName('user'); if (list.length) { return list[0]; } return null; }(); // noinspection JSValidateTypes /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ this.trackSelect = document.getElementsByName('track')[0]; // noinspection JSValidateTypes /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ this.api = document.getElementsByName('api')[0]; // noinspection JSValidateTypes /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ this.lang = document.getElementsByName('lang')[0]; // noinspection JSValidateTypes /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ this.units = document.getElementsByName('units')[0]; /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.chart = document.getElementById('chart'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.chartClose = document.getElementById('chart_close'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.bottom = document.getElementById('bottom'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.chartLink = document.getElementById('altitudes'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.main = document.getElementById('main'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.menuClose = document.getElementById('menu-close'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.track = document.getElementById('track'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.trackTitle = this.track ? this.track.getElementsByClassName('menutitle')[0] : null; /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.import = document.getElementById('import'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.importTitle = this.import ? this.import.getElementsByClassName('menutitle')[0] : null; /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.summary = document.getElementById('summary'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.latest = document.getElementById('latest'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.autoReload = document.getElementById('auto_reload'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.forceReload = document.getElementById('force_reload'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ = document.getElementById('auto'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.setTime = document.getElementById('set_time'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.exportKml = document.getElementById('export_kml'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.exportGpx = document.getElementById('export_gpx'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.inputFile = document.getElementById('inputFile'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.importGpx = document.getElementById('import_gpx'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.addUser = document.getElementById('adduser'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.editUser = document.getElementById('edituser'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this.editTrack = document.getElementById('edittrack'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ = document.getElementById('map-canvas'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (this.menuHead) { this.menuHead.onclick = () => this.showUserMenu(); } if (this.menuPass) { this.menuPass.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.PASSWORD); } } this.hideUserMenu = this.hideUserMenu.bind(this); this.latest.onchange = () => uUI.toggleLatest(); this.autoReload.onchange = () => this.toggleAutoReload(); this.setTime.onclick = () => this.setAutoReloadTime(); this.forceReload.onclick = () => this.trackReload(); this.chartLink.onclick = () => this.toggleChart(); this.api.onchange = () => { const api = this.api.options[this.api.selectedIndex].value; this.emit(uEvent.API_CHANGE, api); }; this.lang.onchange = () => { uUI.setLang(this.lang.options[this.lang.selectedIndex].value); }; this.units.onchange = () => { uUI.setUnits(this.units.options[this.units.selectedIndex].value); }; this.exportKml.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.EXPORT, 'kml'); }; this.exportGpx.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.EXPORT, 'gpx'); }; if (this.inputFile) { this.inputFile.onchange = () => { const form = this.inputFile.parentElement; const sizeMax = form.elements['MAX_FILE_SIZE'].value; if (this.inputFile.files && this.inputFile.files.length === 1 && this.inputFile.files[0].size > sizeMax) { alert(uUtils.sprintf(lang.strings['isizefailure'], sizeMax)); return; } this.emit(uEvent.IMPORT, form); }; this.importGpx.onclick = () => {; }; } if (this.addUser) { this.addUser.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.ADD, this.userSelect); } } if (this.editUser) { this.editUser.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.EDIT, this.userSelect); } } if (this.editTrack) { this.editTrack.onclick = () => { this.emit(uEvent.EDIT, this.trackSelect); } } this.menuClose.onclick = () => this.toggleSideMenu(); this.chartClose.onclick = () => this.hideChart(); this.emit(uEvent.UI_READY); } trackReload() { uUI.emitDom(this.trackSelect, 'change'); } userReload() { uUI.emitDom(this.userSelect, 'change'); } /** * Toggle auto-reload */ toggleAutoReload() { if (this.isLiveOn) { this.stopAutoReload(); } else { this.startAutoReload(); } } startAutoReload() { this.isLiveOn = true; this.liveInterval = setInterval(() => { this.trackReload(); }, config.interval * 1000); } stopAutoReload() { this.isLiveOn = false; clearInterval(this.liveInterval); } /** * Set new interval from user dialog */ setAutoReloadTime() { const i = parseInt(prompt(lang.strings['newinterval'])); if (!isNaN(i) && i !== config.interval) { config.interval = i; = config.interval.toString(); // if live tracking on, reload with new interval if (this.isLiveOn) { this.stopAutoReload(); this.startAutoReload(); } // save current state as default uUtils.setCookie('interval', config.interval, 30); } } /** * Toggle side menu */ toggleSideMenu() { if (this.menuClose.innerHTML === '»') { = '0'; = '0'; = '0'; this.menuClose.innerHTML = '«'; } else { = '165px'; = '165px'; = '165px'; this.menuClose.innerHTML = '»'; } uUI.emitDom(window, 'resize'); } /** * Dispatch event at specified target * @param {(Element|Document|Window)} el Target element * @param {string} event Event name */ static emitDom(el, event) { el.dispatchEvent(new Event(event)); } /** * Dispatch event * @param {string} type * @param {*=} args Defaults to this */ emit(type, args) { const data = args || this; this._binder.dispatchEvent(type, data); } /** * Is chart visible * @returns {boolean} */ isChartVisible() { return === 'block'; } /** * Show chart */ showChart() { = 'block'; } /** * Hide chart */ hideChart() { = 'none'; } /** * Toggle chart visibility */ toggleChart() { if (this.isChartVisible()) { this.hideChart(); } else { this.showChart(); } } /** * Animate element text * @param {HTMLElement} el */ static setLoader(el) { const str = el.textContent; el.innerHTML = ''; for (const c of str) { el.innerHTML += `${c}`; } } /** * Stop animation * @param {HTMLElement} el */ static removeLoader(el) { el.innerHTML = el.textContent; } /** * Get popup html * @param {number} id Position ID * @returns {string} */ static getPopupHtml(id) { const pos = uLogger.trackList.current.positions[id]; const count = uLogger.trackList.current.positions.length; let date = '–––'; let time = '–––'; if (pos.timestamp > 0) { const d = new Date(pos.timestamp * 1000); date = `${d.getFullYear()}-${(`0${d.getMonth() + 1}`).slice(-2)}-${(`0${d.getDate()}`).slice(-2)}`; time = d.toTimeString(); let offset; if ((offset = time.indexOf(' ')) >= 0) { time = `${time.substr(0, offset)} ${time.substr(offset + 1)}`; } } let provider = ''; if (pos.provider === 'gps') { provider = ` (${lang.strings['gps']})`; } else if (pos.provider === 'network') { provider = ` (${lang.strings['network']})`; } let stats = ''; if (!config.showLatest) { stats = `
${lang.strings['ttime']} ${pos.totalSeconds.toHMS()}
${lang.strings['aspeed']} ${(pos.totalSeconds > 0) ? ((pos.totalDistance / pos.totalSeconds).toKmH() * config.factor_kmh).toFixed() : 0} ${config.unit_kmh}
${lang.strings['tdistance']} ${(pos.totalDistance.toKm() * config.factor_km).toFixed(2)} ${config.unit_km}
`; } return ``; } /** * Clear map canvas */ clearMapCanvas() { = ''; } /** * Toggle user menu visibility */ showUserMenu() { if (this.userDropdown.classList.contains('show')) { this.userDropdown.classList.remove('show'); } else { this.userDropdown.classList.add('show'); window.addEventListener('click', this.hideUserMenu, true); } } /** * Click listener callback to hide user menu * @param {MouseEvent} e */ hideUserMenu(e) { const parent =; this.userDropdown.classList.remove('show'); window.removeEventListener('click', this.hideUserMenu, true); if (!parent.classList.contains('dropdown')) { e.stopPropagation(); } } /** * Remove HTML element * @param {string} id Element ID */ static removeElementById(id) { const tag = document.getElementById(id); if (tag && tag.parentNode) { tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag); } } /** * * @param {(Event|uEvent)} event * @param {*=} args */ handleEvent(event, args) { if (event.type === uEvent.CHART_READY) { // toggle chart link const hasPoints = args > 0; if (hasPoints) { = 'visible'; } else { = 'hidden'; } } else if (event.type === uEvent.OPEN_URL) { window.location.assign(args); } else if (event.type === uEvent.CONFIG) { if (args === 'showLatest') { this.latest.checked = config.showLatest; } } } /** * Set language * @param {string} languageCode Language code */ static setLang(languageCode) { uUtils.setCookie('lang', languageCode, 30); uUI.reload(); } /** * Set units * @param {string} unitCode New units */ static setUnits(unitCode) { uUtils.setCookie('units', unitCode, 30); uUI.reload(); } static reload() { window.location.reload(); } static toggleLatest() { config.showLatest = !config.showLatest; } }