/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2020 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import { config, lang } from '../src/initializer.js'; import Fixture from './helpers/fixture.js'; import MapViewModel from '../src/mapviewmodel.js'; import TrackViewModel from '../src/trackviewmodel.js'; import UserViewModel from '../src/userviewmodel.js'; import uObserve from '../src/observe.js'; import uPermalink from '../src/permalink.js'; import uState from '../src/state.js'; import uTrack from '../src/track.js'; import uUser from '../src/user.js'; describe('Permalink tests', () => { let permalink; let state; const trackId = 123; const trackName = 'test track'; const userId = 456; const mapApi = 'testApi'; const lat = -267220.5357759836; const lng = 4514512.219090612; const zoom = 7.7081991502812075; const rotation = 20.21; const mapParams = { center: [ lat, lng ], zoom: zoom, rotation: rotation }; let spy; let tm, um, mm; let mockApi; beforeEach((done) => { Fixture.load('main.html') .then(() => done()) .catch((e) => done.fail(e)); }); beforeEach(() => { config.reinitialize(); lang.init(config); spyOn(lang, '_').and.callFake((arg) => arg); mockApi = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockApi', { 'init': Promise.resolve(), 'getBounds': { /* ignored */ }, 'cleanup': { /* ignored */ }, 'zoomToBounds': { /* ignored */ }, 'zoomToExtent': { /* ignored */ }, 'displayTrack': Promise.resolve(), 'clearMap': { /* ignored */ }, 'updateSize': { /* ignored */ }, 'updateState': { /* ignored */ } }); state = new uState(); tm = new TrackViewModel(state); um = new UserViewModel(state); mm = new MapViewModel(state); mm.api = mockApi; spyOn(tm, 'onTrackSelect'); spyOn(tm, 'loadTrackList'); permalink = new uPermalink(state); spy = spyOn(uTrack, 'getMeta').and.callFake((_trackId) => Promise.resolve({ id: _trackId, name: trackName, userId: userId, comment: null })); }); afterEach(() => { Fixture.clear(); uObserve.unobserveAll(lang); }); it('should create instance', () => { expect(permalink).toBeInstanceOf(uPermalink); expect(permalink.state).toBe(state); expect(permalink.skipPush).toBeFalse(); }); let testHashes = [ { hash: `#${trackId}`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/o`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/x`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/g`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'gmaps', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/o/`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/o/${lat}/${lng}`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: null } }, { hash: `#${trackId}/o/${lat}/${lng}/${zoom}/${rotation}`, state: { title: trackName, userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: 'openlayers', mapParams: mapParams } } ]; testHashes.forEach((test) => { it(`should parse link hash "${test.hash}"`, (done) => { uPermalink.parse(test.hash).then((result) => { expect(result).toEqual(test.state); done(); }).catch((e) => done.fail(e)); }); }); testHashes = [ '#', '', '#hash' ]; testHashes.forEach((test) => { it(`should parse link and return null for corrupt hash "${test}"`, (done) => { uPermalink.parse(test).then((result) => { expect(result).toBeNull(); done(); }).catch((e) => done.fail(e)); }); }); it('should parse link and return null for unknown track id', (done) => { spy.and.returnValue(Promise.reject(new Error('error'))); uPermalink.parse('#21').then((result) => { expect(result).toBeNull(); done(); }).catch((e) => done.fail(e)); }); it('should create hash from app state', () => { // given const permalinkState = { userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: mapApi, mapParams: null }; // when const hash = uPermalink.getHash(permalinkState); // then expect(hash).toBe(`#${trackId}/${mapApi.charAt(0)}`); }); it('should create hash from app state and map parameters', () => { // given const permalinkState = { userId, trackId, mapApi, mapParams }; // when const hash = uPermalink.getHash(permalinkState); // then expect(hash).toBe(`#${trackId}/${mapApi.charAt(0)}/${mapParams.center[0]}/${mapParams.center[1]}/${mapParams.zoom}/${mapParams.rotation}`); }); it('should return permalink state from application state', () => { // given state.currentUser = new uUser(userId, 'test'); state.currentTrack = new uTrack(trackId, trackName, state.currentUser); state.mapParams = mapParams; config.mapApi = mapApi; const title = trackName; // when const permalinkState = permalink.getState(); // then expect(permalinkState).toEqual({ title, userId, trackId, mapApi, mapParams }); }); it('should restore state and switch user', (done) => { // given const newUserId = userId + 1; const newUser = new uUser(newUserId, 'new'); const newTrackId = trackId + 1; spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve([ newUser ])); state.currentUser = new uUser(userId, 'test'); state.currentTrack = new uTrack(trackId, trackName, state.currentUser); tm.init(); um.init(); mm.init(); permalink.init(); const historyState = { title: 'title', userId: newUserId, trackId: newTrackId, mapApi: mapApi, mapParams: mapParams }; const event = new PopStateEvent('popstate', { state: historyState }); setTimeout(() => { // when dispatchEvent(event); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(tm.loadTrackList).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(tm.onTrackSelect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockApi.updateState).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(newUser); expect(tm.model.currentTrackId).toBe(newTrackId.toString()); done(); }, 100); }, 100); }); it('should restore state and load track for same user', (done) => { // given const user = new uUser(userId, 'test'); const newTrackId = trackId + 1; const track = new uTrack(trackId, trackName, user); state.currentUser = user; state.currentTrack = track; spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve([ user ])); tm.init(); um.init(); mm.init(); permalink.init(); const historyState = { title: 'title', userId: userId, trackId: newTrackId, mapApi: mapApi, mapParams: mapParams }; const event = new PopStateEvent('popstate', { state: historyState }); setTimeout(() => { // when dispatchEvent(event); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(tm.loadTrackList).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tm.onTrackSelect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockApi.updateState).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user); expect(tm.model.currentTrackId).toBe(newTrackId.toString()); done(); }, 100); }, 100); }); it('should restore state without user and track update, with map api change', (done) => { // given config.mapApi = 'oldApi'; const user = new uUser(userId, 'test'); const track = new uTrack(trackId, trackName, user); state.currentUser = user; state.currentTrack = track; spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve([ user ])); tm.model.currentTrackId = trackId.toString(); tm.init(); um.init(); mm.init(); permalink.init(); const historyState = { title: 'title', userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: mapApi, mapParams: mapParams }; const event = new PopStateEvent('popstate', { state: historyState }); setTimeout(() => { // when dispatchEvent(event); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(tm.loadTrackList).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tm.onTrackSelect).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockApi.updateState).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(config.mapApi).toBe(mapApi); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user); expect(tm.model.currentTrackId).toBe(trackId.toString()); done(); }, 100); }, 100); }); it('should restore state without user, track and map api update', (done) => { // given config.mapApi = mapApi; const user = new uUser(userId, 'test'); const track = new uTrack(trackId, trackName, user); state.currentUser = user; state.currentTrack = track; spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve([ user ])); tm.model.currentTrackId = trackId.toString(); tm.init(); um.init(); mm.init(); permalink.init(); const historyState = { title: 'title', userId: userId, trackId: trackId, mapApi: mapApi, mapParams: mapParams }; const event = new PopStateEvent('popstate', { state: historyState }); setTimeout(() => { // when dispatchEvent(event); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(tm.loadTrackList).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tm.onTrackSelect).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockApi.updateState).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(config.mapApi).toBe(mapApi); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user); expect(tm.model.currentTrackId).toBe(trackId.toString()); done(); }, 100); }, 100); }); });