. */ define("headless", true); require_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/auth.php"); // sets $user require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/track.php"); require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/position.php"); require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/utils.php"); $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE] = "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE] = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL] = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE] = "No file was uploaded"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR] = "Missing a temporary folder"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE] = "Failed to write file to disk"; $uploadErrors[UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION] = "A PHP extension stopped the file upload"; if (!$user->isValid) { uUtils::exitWithError($lang["servererror"]); } if (!isset($_FILES["gpx"])) { $message = $lang["servererror"]; $lastErr = error_get_last(); if (!empty($lastErr)) { $message .= ": " . $lastErr["message"]; } uUtils::exitWithError($message); } $gpxFile = NULL; $gpxUpload = $_FILES["gpx"]; $uploadErr = $gpxUpload["error"]; if ($gpxUpload["size"] > uUtils::getUploadMaxSize() && $uploadErr == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $uploadErr = UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE; } if ($uploadErr == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $gpxFile = $gpxUpload["tmp_name"]; $gpxName = basename($gpxUpload["name"]); } else { $message = $lang("iuploadfailure"); if (isset($errorMessage[$uploadErr])) { $message .= ": " . $errorMessage[$uploadErr]; } $message .= " ($uploadErr)"; uUtils::exitWithError($message); } $gpx = false; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if ($gpxFile && file_exists($gpxFile)) { $gpx = simplexml_load_file($gpxFile); } if ($gpx === false) { $message = $lang["iparsefailure"]; $parserMessages = []; foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $parseError) { $parserMessages[] = $parseError->message; } $parserMessage = implode(", ", $parserMessages); if (!empty($parserMessage)) { $message .= ": $parserMessage"; } uUtils::exitWithError($message); } else if (empty($gpx->trk)) { uUtils::exitWithError($lang["idatafailure"]); } $trackCnt = 0; foreach ($gpx->trk as $trk) { $trackName = empty($trk->name) ? $gpxName : $trk->name->__toString(); $metaName = empty($gpx->metadata->name) ? NULL : $gpx->metadata->name->__toString(); $track = new uTrack(); $trackId = $track->add($user->id, $trackName, $metaName); if ($trackId === false) { uUtils::exitWithError($lang["servererror"]); break; } $position = new uPosition(); foreach($trk->trkseg as $segment) { foreach($segment->trkpt as $point) { $time = isset($point->time) ? strtotime($point->time) : NULL; $altitude = isset($point->ele) ? $point->ele : NULL; $speed = NULL; $bearing = NULL; $accuracy = NULL; $provider = "gps"; if (!empty($point->extensions)) { // parse ulogger extensions $ext = $point->extensions->children('ulogger', TRUE); if (isset($ext->speed)) { $speed = $ext->speed; } if (isset($ext->bearing)) { $bearing = $ext->bearing; } if (isset($ext->accuracy)) { $accuracy = $ext->accuracy; } if (isset($ext->provider)) { $provider = $ext->provider; } } $ret = $position->add($user->id, $trackId, $time, $point["lat"], $point["lon"], $altitude, $speed, $bearing, $accuracy, $provider, NULL, NULL); if ($ret === false) { uUtils::exitWithError($lang["servererror"]); } } } $trackCnt++; } // return track id and tracks count uUtils::exitWithSuccess([ "trackid" => $trackId, "trackcnt" => $trackCnt ]); ?>