/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import uUtils from './utils.js'; export default class uLang { constructor() { this.strings = {}; this.config = null; } /** * @param {uConfig} config * @param {Object} data */ init(config, data) { this.config = config; if (data) { /** @type {Object} */ this.strings = data; } } /** * @param {string} name * @param {...(string|number)=} params Optional parameters * @return {string} */ _(name, ...params) { if (typeof this.strings[name] === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Unknown localized string'); } if (params.length) { return uUtils.sprintf(this.strings[name], ...params); } return this.strings[name]; } /** * @param {string} name * @return {string} */ unit(name) { const unitName = this.config[name]; if (typeof this.config[name] === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Unknown localized unit'); } return this._(unitName); } /** * Get speed converted to locale units * @param {number} ms Speed in meters per second * @param {?boolean=false} withUnit * @return {string} */ getLocaleSpeed(ms, withUnit = false) { const value = Math.round(ms * this.config.factorSpeed * 100) / 100; let localized = value.toLocaleString(this.config.lang); if (withUnit) { localized += ` ${this.unit('unitSpeed')}`; } return localized; } /** * Get distance converted to locale units * @param {number} m Distance in meters * @param {?boolean=false} withUnit * @return {string} */ getLocaleDistanceMajor(m, withUnit = false) { const value = Math.round(m * this.config.factorDistanceMajor / 10) / 100; let localized = value.toLocaleString(this.config.lang); if (withUnit) { localized += ` ${this.unit('unitDistanceMajor')}`; } return localized; } /** * @param {number} m Distance in meters * @param {?boolean=false} withUnit * @return {string} */ getLocaleDistance(m, withUnit = false) { const value = Math.round(m * this.config.factorDistance * 100) / 100; let localized = value.toLocaleString(this.config.lang); if (withUnit) { localized += ` ${this.unit('unitDistance')}`; } return localized; } /** * @param {number} m Altitude in meters * @param {?boolean=false} withUnit * @return {string} */ getLocaleAltitude(m, withUnit = false) { let localized = this.getLocaleDistance(m, withUnit); if (withUnit) { localized += ` ${this.unit('unitAltitude')}`; } // use typographic minus return localized.replace('-', '−'); } /** * @param {number} m Accuracy in meters * @param {?boolean=false} withUnit * @return {string} */ getLocaleAccuracy(m, withUnit = false) { return this.getLocaleDistance(m, withUnit); } /** * @param {number} s Duration in seconds * @return {string} Formatted to (d) h:m:s */ getLocaleDuration(s) { const d = Math.floor(s / 86400); const h = Math.floor((s % 86400) / 3600); const m = Math.floor(((s % 86400) % 3600) / 60); s = ((s % 86400) % 3600) % 60; return ((d > 0) ? (`${d} ${this.unit('unitDay')} `) : '') + ((`00${h}`).slice(-2)) + ':' + ((`00${m}`).slice(-2)) + ':' + ((`00${s}`).slice(-2)) + ''; } /** * @param {uPosition} pos * @return {string} */ getLocaleCoordinates(pos) { return `${this.coordStr(pos.longitude, true)} ${this.coordStr(pos.latitude, false)}`; } /** * @param {number} pos * @param {boolean} isLon * @return {string} */ coordStr(pos, isLon) { const ipos = Math.trunc(pos); const dec = Math.abs((pos - ipos) * 60); let dir; if (isLon) { dir = pos < 0 ? 'W' : 'E'; } else { dir = pos < 0 ? 'S' : 'N'; } return `${Math.abs(ipos).toLocaleString(this.config.lang)}°${dec.toLocaleString(this.config.lang, { maximumFractionDigits: 2 })}'${dir}`; } getLocalePassRules() { let rulesStr = ''; if (this.config.passLenMin > 0) { rulesStr = uUtils.sprintf(this._('passlenmin') + '\n', this.config.passLenMin); } if (this.config.passStrength > 0 && this.config.passStrength < 4) { rulesStr += this._(`passrules_${this.config.passStrength}`); } return rulesStr; } /** * Get languages list { langCode: langName } * @return {Object.} */ getLangList() { return this.strings['langArr'] || {}; } }