<?php /** * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2020 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * CLI script for database migration from μlogger version 0.6 to version 1.x. * Database user defined in config file must have privileges to create and modify tables. * * Backup your database before running this script. */ if (PHP_SAPI !== "cli") { die("This script must be called from CLI console"); } if (!defined("ROOT_DIR")) { define("ROOT_DIR", dirname(__DIR__)); } include_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/config.php"); include_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/db.php"); if (!defined("SKIP_RUN")) { verifyVersion() || exit(1); waitForUser() || exit(0); updateSchemas() || exit(1); updateConfig() || exit(1); exit(0); } /** * Check μlogger version is valid for migration * @return bool True if valid version */ function verifyVersion() { if (!class_exists("uConfig") || !class_exists("uDb") || !method_exists("uConfig", "getOfflineInstance") || strpos(uConfig::getOfflineInstance()->version, '1.') !== 0) { echo "You need μlogger version 1.x to run this script" . PHP_EOL; return false; } return true; } /** * Waits for user confirmation * @param string $input Optional path to read from (for tests) * @return bool True if confirmed */ function waitForUser($input = "php://stdin") { echo "This script will update database from version 0.6 to 1.x." . PHP_EOL; echo "Creating database backup is recommended before proceeding" . PHP_EOL; echo "Type 'yes' to continue, anything else to abort" . PHP_EOL; $handle = fopen($input, 'rb'); $input = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if (trim($input) !== "yes") { echo "Cancelled by user" . PHP_EOL; return false; } echo PHP_EOL; echo "Starting migration..." . PHP_EOL; return true; } /** * Updates database schemas * @return bool True on success */ function updateSchemas() { echo "Migrating database schemas..." . PHP_EOL; try { $queries = getQueries(); uDb::getInstance()->beginTransaction(); foreach ($queries as $query) { uDb::getInstance()->exec($query); } uDb::getInstance()->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Database query failed: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Reverting changes..." . PHP_EOL; uDb::getInstance()->rollBack(); return false; } echo PHP_EOL; echo "Database schemas updated successfully" . PHP_EOL; return true; } /** * Update database settings based on current config file * @param string $path Optional path of config (for tests) * @return bool True on success */ /** @noinspection IssetArgumentExistenceInspection, PhpIncludeInspection */ function updateConfig($path = ROOT_DIR . "/config.php") { echo "Migrating config to database..." . PHP_EOL; require_once($path); if (isset($admin_user) && !empty($admin_user)) { try { echo "Setting user $admin_user as admin" . PHP_EOL; $query = "UPDATE " . uDb::getInstance()->table('users') . " SET admin = ? WHERE login = ?"; $stmt = uDb::getInstance()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute([ 1, $admin_user ]); if ($stmt->rowCount() === 0) { echo "User $admin_user not found in database table" . PHP_EOL; echo "Set your admin user manually in users table" . PHP_EOL; } } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Setting admin user failed: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; echo "Set your admin user manually in users table" . PHP_EOL; } } $config = uConfig::getOfflineInstance(); if (isset($mapapi) && !empty($mapapi)) { $config->mapApi = $mapapi; } if (isset($ol_layers) && is_array($ol_layers)) { $id = 1; foreach ($ol_layers as $name => $url) { $config->olLayers[] = new uLayer($id++, $name, $url, 0); } } if (isset($init_latitude) && is_numeric($init_latitude)) { $config->initLatitude = $init_latitude; } if (isset($init_longitude) && is_numeric($init_longitude)) { $config->initLongitude = $init_longitude; } if (isset($gkey) && !empty($gkey)) { $config->googleKey = $gkey; } if (isset($require_authentication) && is_numeric($require_authentication)) { $config->requireAuthentication = (bool) $require_authentication; } if (isset($public_tracks) && is_numeric($public_tracks)) { $config->publicTracks = (bool) $public_tracks; } if (isset($pass_lenmin) && is_numeric($pass_lenmin)) { $config->passLenMin = (int) $pass_lenmin; } if (isset($pass_strength) && is_numeric($pass_strength)) { $config->passStrength = (int) $pass_strength; } if (isset($interval) && is_numeric($interval)) { $config->interval = (int) $interval; } if (isset($lang) && !empty($lang)) { $config->lang = $lang; } if (isset($units) && !empty($units)) { $config->units = $units; } if (isset($strokeWeight) && is_numeric($strokeWeight)) { $config->strokeWeight = (int) $strokeWeight; } if (isset($strokeColor) && !empty($strokeColor)) { $config->strokeColor = $strokeColor; } if (isset($strokeOpacity) && is_numeric($strokeOpacity)) { $config->strokeOpacity = $strokeOpacity; } if ($config->save() !== true) { echo "Configuration migration failed. Please update your settings manually from web interface" . PHP_EOL; return false; } echo "Configuration successfully migrated to database" . PHP_EOL; return true; } /** * Get queries array for current db driver * @return array Queries */ function getQueries() { $dbDriver = uDb::getInstance()->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); $tConfig = uDb::getInstance()->table('config'); $tLayers = uDb::getInstance()->table('ol_layers'); $tUsers = uDb::getInstance()->table('users'); $tTracks = uDb::getInstance()->table('tracks'); $tPositions = uDb::getInstance()->table('positions'); $tPositionsBackup = "{$tPositions}_backup"; $queries = []; switch ($dbDriver) { case "mysql": $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `$tConfig` ( `name` varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, `value` tinyblob NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `$tConfig` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('color_extra', 's:7:\"#cccccc\";'), ('color_hilite', 's:7:\"#feff6a\";'), ('color_normal', 's:7:\"#ffffff\";'), ('color_start', 's:7:\"#55b500\";'), ('color_stop', 's:7:\"#ff6a00\";'), ('google_key', 's:0:\"\";'), ('interval_seconds', 'i:10;'), ('lang', 's:2:\"en\";'), ('latitude', 'd:52.229999999999997;'), ('longitude', 'd:21.010000000000002;'), ('map_api', 's:10:\"openlayers\";'), ('pass_lenmin', 'i:10;'), ('pass_strength', 'i:2;'), ('public_tracks', 'b:1;'), ('require_auth', 'b:1;'), ('stroke_color', 's:7:\"#ff0000\";'), ('stroke_opacity', 'd:1;'), ('stroke_weight', 'i:2;'), ('units', 's:6:\"metric\";')"; $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `$tLayers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `priority` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `$tLayers` (`id`, `name`, `url`, `priority`) VALUES (1, 'OpenCycleMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (2, 'OpenTopoMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (3, 'OpenSeaMap', 'https://tiles.openseamap.org/seamark/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (4, 'ESRI', 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', 0), (5, 'UMP', 'http://{1-3}.tiles.ump.waw.pl/ump_tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (6, 'Osmapa.pl', 'http://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.pl/osmapa.pl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0); "; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `$tUsers` ADD `admin` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE AFTER `password`"; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `$tPositions` CHANGE `image_id` `image` VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL"; break; case "pgsql": $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE $tConfig ( name varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, value bytea NOT NULL )"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO $tConfig (name, value) VALUES ('color_extra', 's:7:\"#cccccc\";'), ('color_hilite', 's:7:\"#feff6a\";'), ('color_normal', 's:7:\"#ffffff\";'), ('color_start', 's:7:\"#55b500\";'), ('color_stop', 's:7:\"#ff6a00\";'), ('google_key', 's:0:\"\";'), ('interval_seconds', 'i:10;'), ('lang', 's:2:\"en\";'), ('latitude', 'd:52.229999999999997;'), ('longitude', 'd:21.010000000000002;'), ('map_api', 's:10:\"openlayers\";'), ('pass_lenmin', 'i:10;'), ('pass_strength', 'i:2;'), ('public_tracks', 'b:1;'), ('require_auth', 'b:1;'), ('stroke_color', 's:7:\"#ff0000\";'), ('stroke_opacity', 'd:1;'), ('stroke_weight', 'i:2;'), ('units', 's:6:\"metric\";')"; $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE $tLayers ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, url varchar(255) NOT NULL, priority int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' )"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO $tLayers (id, name, url, priority) VALUES (1, 'OpenCycleMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (2, 'OpenTopoMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (3, 'OpenSeaMap', 'https://tiles.openseamap.org/seamark/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (4, 'ESRI', 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', 0), (5, 'UMP', 'http://{1-3}.tiles.ump.waw.pl/ump_tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (6, 'Osmapa.pl', 'http://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.pl/osmapa.pl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0); "; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE $tUsers ADD COLUMN admin boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE"; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE $tPositions DROP COLUMN image_id"; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE $tPositions ADD COLUMN image varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL"; break; case "sqlite": $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `$tConfig` ( `name` varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, `value` tinyblob NOT NULL )"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `$tConfig` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('color_extra', 's:7:\"#cccccc\";'), ('color_hilite', 's:7:\"#feff6a\";'), ('color_normal', 's:7:\"#ffffff\";'), ('color_start', 's:7:\"#55b500\";'), ('color_stop', 's:7:\"#ff6a00\";'), ('google_key', 's:0:\"\";'), ('interval_seconds', 'i:10;'), ('lang', 's:2:\"en\";'), ('latitude', 'd:52.229999999999997;'), ('longitude', 'd:21.010000000000002;'), ('map_api', 's:10:\"openlayers\";'), ('pass_lenmin', 'i:10;'), ('pass_strength', 'i:2;'), ('public_tracks', 'b:1;'), ('require_auth', 'b:1;'), ('stroke_color', 's:7:\"#ff0000\";'), ('stroke_opacity', 'd:1;'), ('stroke_weight', 'i:2;'), ('units', 's:6:\"metric\";')"; $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `$tLayers` ( `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `priority` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' )"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `$tLayers` (`id`, `name`, `url`, `priority`) VALUES (1, 'OpenCycleMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (2, 'OpenTopoMap', 'https://{a-c}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (3, 'OpenSeaMap', 'https://tiles.openseamap.org/seamark/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (4, 'ESRI', 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', 0), (5, 'UMP', 'http://{1-3}.tiles.ump.waw.pl/ump_tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0), (6, 'Osmapa.pl', 'http://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.pl/osmapa.pl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 0); "; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `$tUsers` ADD `admin` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE"; $queries[] = "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF"; $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE `$tPositionsBackup` ( `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `track_id` integer NOT NULL, `latitude` double NOT NULL, `longitude` double NOT NULL, `altitude` double DEFAULT NULL, `speed` double DEFAULT NULL, `bearing` double DEFAULT NULL, `accuracy` integer DEFAULT NULL, `provider` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `comment` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `image` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(`user_id`) REFERENCES `$tUsers`(`id`), FOREIGN KEY(`track_id`) REFERENCES `$tTracks`(`id`) )"; $queries[] = "INSERT INTO `$tPositionsBackup` SELECT id, time, user_id, track_id, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, bearing, accuracy, provider, comment, NULL FROM positions"; $queries[] = "DROP TABLE `$tPositions`"; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `$tPositionsBackup` RENAME TO `$tPositions`"; $queries[] = "CREATE INDEX `idx_ptrack_id` ON `$tPositions`(`track_id`)"; $queries[] = "CREATE INDEX `idx_puser_id` ON `$tPositions`(`user_id`)"; $queries[] = "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON"; break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Driver not supported"); } return $queries; } ?>