/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import { lang as $, auth, config } from './initializer.js'; import TrackDialogModel from './trackdialogmodel.js'; import ViewModel from './viewmodel.js'; import uAlert from './alert.js'; import uObserve from './observe.js'; import uPositionSet from './positionset.js'; import uSelect from './select.js'; import uTrack from './track.js'; import uUtils from './utils.js'; /** * @class TrackViewModel */ export default class TrackViewModel extends ViewModel { /** * @param {uState} state */ constructor(state) { super({ /** @type {uTrack[]} */ trackList: [], /** @type {string} */ currentTrackId: '', /** @type {boolean} */ showLatest: false, /** @type {boolean} */ autoReload: false, /** @type {string} */ inputFile: false, /** @type {string} */ summary: false, // click handlers /** @type {function} */ onReload: null, /** @type {function} */ onExportGpx: null, /** @type {function} */ onExportKml: null, /** @type {function} */ onImportGpx: null, /** @type {function} */ onTrackEdit: null }); this.setClickHandlers(); /** @type HTMLSelectElement */ const listEl = document.querySelector('#track'); this.importEl = document.querySelector('#input-file'); this.editEl = this.getBoundElement('onTrackEdit'); this.select = new uSelect(listEl); this.state = state; this.timerId = 0; } /** * @return {TrackViewModel} */ init() { this.setObservers(); this.bindAll(); return this; } setObservers() { this.onChanged('trackList', (list) => { this.select.setOptions(list); }); this.onChanged('currentTrackId', (listValue) => { this.onTrackSelect(listValue); }); this.onChanged('inputFile', (file) => { if (file) { this.onImport(); } }); this.onChanged('autoReload', (reload) => { this.autoReload(reload); }); this.onChanged('showLatest', (showLatest) => { this.state.showLatest = showLatest; this.onReload(true); }); this.state.onChanged('currentUser', (user) => { if (user) { this.loadTrackList(); TrackViewModel.setMenuVisible(this.editEl, true); } else { this.model.currentTrackId = ''; this.model.trackList = []; TrackViewModel.setMenuVisible(this.editEl, false); } }); this.state.onChanged('currentTrack', (track) => { this.renderSummary(); if (track) { uObserve.observe(track, 'positions', () => { this.renderSummary(); }); } }); this.state.onChanged('showAllUsers', (showAll) => { if (showAll) { this.loadAllUsersPosition(); } }); config.onChanged('interval', () => { if (this.timerId) { this.stopAutoReload(); this.startAutoReload(); } }); this.state.onChanged('history', (history) => { if (history && !history.userId && history.trackId) { this.model.currentTrackId = history.trackId.toString(); } }); } setClickHandlers() { this.model.onReload = () => this.onReload(); const exportCb = (type) => () => { if (this.state.currentTrack) { this.state.currentTrack.export(type); } }; this.model.onExportGpx = exportCb('gpx'); this.model.onExportKml = exportCb('kml'); this.model.onImportGpx = () => this.importEl.click(); this.model.onTrackEdit = () => this.showDialog(); } /** * Reload or update track view * @param {boolean} clear Reload if true, update current track otherwise */ onReload(clear = false) { if (this.state.showLatest) { if (this.state.showAllUsers) { this.loadAllUsersPosition(); } else if (this.state.currentUser) { this.onUserLastPosition(); } } else if (this.state.currentTrack instanceof uTrack) { this.onTrackUpdate(clear); } else if (this.state.currentTrack instanceof uPositionSet) { this.state.currentTrack = null; } else if (this.state.currentUser) { this.loadTrackList(); } } /** * Handle import */ onImport() { const form = this.importEl.parentElement; const sizeMax = form.elements['MAX_FILE_SIZE'].value; if (this.importEl.files && this.importEl.files.length === 1 && this.importEl.files[0].size > sizeMax) { uAlert.error($._('isizefailure', sizeMax)); return; } if (!auth.isAuthenticated) { uAlert.error($._('notauthorized')); return; } this.state.jobStart(); uTrack.import(form, auth.user) .then((trackList) => { if (trackList.length) { if (trackList.length > 1) { uAlert.toast($._('imultiple', trackList.length)); } this.model.trackList = trackList.concat(this.model.trackList); this.model.currentTrackId = trackList[0].listValue; } }) .catch((e) => uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e)) .finally(() => { this.model.inputFile = ''; this.state.jobStop(); }); } /** * Handle track change * @param {string} listValue Track list selected option */ onTrackSelect(listValue) { /** @type {(uTrack|undefined)} */ const track = this.model.trackList.find((_track) => _track.listValue === listValue); if (!track) { this.state.currentTrack = null; } else if (!track.isEqualTo(this.state.currentTrack)) { this.state.jobStart(); track.fetchPositions().then(() => { console.log(`currentTrack id: ${track.id}, loaded ${track.length} positions`); this.state.currentTrack = track; if (this.model.showLatest) { this.model.showLatest = false; } }) .catch((e) => { uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e); }) .finally(() => this.state.jobStop()); } } /** * Handle track update * @param {boolean=} clear */ onTrackUpdate(clear) { if (clear) { this.state.currentTrack.clear(); } this.state.currentTrack.fetchPositions() .catch((e) => { uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e); }); } /** * Handle user last position request */ onUserLastPosition() { this.state.currentUser.fetchLastPosition() .then((_track) => { if (_track) { if (!this.model.trackList.find((listItem) => listItem.listValue === _track.listValue)) { this.model.trackList.unshift(_track); } this.state.currentTrack = _track; this.model.currentTrackId = _track.listValue; } }) .catch((e) => { uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e); }); } /** * Handle last position of all users request */ loadAllUsersPosition() { this.state.jobStart(); uPositionSet.fetchLatest() .then((_track) => { if (_track) { this.model.trackList = []; this.model.currentTrackId = ''; this.state.currentTrack = _track; } }) .catch((e) => { uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e); }) .finally(() => this.state.jobStop()); } loadTrackList() { this.state.jobStart(); uTrack.fetchList(this.state.currentUser) .then((_tracks) => { this.model.trackList = _tracks; if (_tracks.length) { if (this.state.showLatest) { this.onUserLastPosition(); } else if (this.state.history) { this.model.currentTrackId = this.state.history.trackId.toString(); } else { this.model.currentTrackId = _tracks[0].listValue; } } else { this.model.currentTrackId = ''; } }) .catch((e) => { uAlert.error(`${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`, e); }) .finally(() => this.state.jobStop()); } showDialog() { const vm = new TrackDialogModel(this); vm.init(); } onTrackDeleted() { let index = this.model.trackList.indexOf(this.state.currentTrack); this.state.currentTrack = null; if (index !== -1) { this.model.trackList.splice(index, 1); if (this.model.trackList.length) { if (index >= this.model.trackList.length) { index = this.model.trackList.length - 1; } this.model.currentTrackId = this.model.trackList[index].listValue; } else { this.model.currentTrackId = ''; } } } /** * @param {boolean} start */ autoReload(start) { if (start) { this.startAutoReload(); } else { this.stopAutoReload(); } } startAutoReload() { this.timerId = setInterval(() => this.onReload(), config.interval * 1000); } stopAutoReload() { clearInterval(this.timerId); this.timerId = 0; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {boolean} visible */ static setMenuVisible(el, visible) { if (el) { if (visible) { el.classList.remove('menu-hidden'); } else { el.classList.add('menu-hidden'); } } } renderSummary() { if (!this.state.currentTrack || !this.state.currentTrack.hasPositions) { this.model.summary = ''; return; } const last = this.state.currentTrack.positions[this.state.currentTrack.length - 1]; if (this.state.showLatest) { const today = new Date(); const date = new Date(last.timestamp * 1000); const dateTime = uUtils.getTimeString(date); const dateString = (date.toDateString() !== today.toDateString()) ? `${dateTime.date}
` : ''; const timeString = `${dateTime.time}${dateTime.zone}`; this.model.summary = ` ${dateString} ${timeString}`; } else { this.model.summary = `
${$._('tdistance')} ${$.getLocaleDistanceMajor(last.totalMeters, true)}
${$._('ttime')} ${$.getLocaleDuration(last.totalSeconds)}
`; } } }