/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2020 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import uUtils from '../src/utils.js'; describe('Utils tests', () => { const name = 'test_name'; const value = 'test_value'; const url = 'test_url'; const id = 'test_id'; beforeEach(() => { document.cookie = `ulogger_${name}=${value}; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/`; let head = document.querySelector('head'); if (head === null) { head = document.createElement('head'); document.appendChild(head); } else if (head.querySelector(`#${id}`) !== null) { head.removeChild(head.querySelector(`#${id}`)); } }); it('should set cookie', () => { // given const days = 1234; // when uUtils.setCookie(name, value, days); const cookie = document.cookie; // then expect(cookie).toContain(`${name}=${value}`); }); it('should create string with format and params', () => { // given const stringParam = 'test'; const numberParam = 1234; // then expect(uUtils.sprintf('-%s-', stringParam)).toBe(`-${stringParam}-`); expect(uUtils.sprintf('-%d-', numberParam)).toBe(`-${numberParam}-`); expect(uUtils.sprintf('-%d%s-', numberParam, stringParam)).toBe(`-${numberParam}${stringParam}-`); expect(uUtils.sprintf('-%%d-')).toBe('-%d-'); expect(() => uUtils.sprintf('-%d-')).toThrowError(/Missing argument/); expect(() => uUtils.sprintf('-%d-', stringParam)).toThrowError(/Wrong format/); expect(() => uUtils.sprintf('-%d-', numberParam, stringParam)).toThrowError(/Unused argument/); }); it('should add script to head tag', (done) => { // given const head = document.querySelector('head'); // when uUtils.addScript(url, id, null, () => done()); // then expect(head.querySelector(`script#${id}`)).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLScriptElement); expect(head.querySelector(`script#${id}`).src).toContain(url); expect(head.querySelector(`script#${id}`).id).toBe(id); }); it('should add stylesheet link to head tag', () => { // given const head = document.querySelector('head'); // when uUtils.addCss(url, id); // then expect(head.querySelector(`link#${id}`)).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLLinkElement); expect(head.querySelector(`link#${id}`).href).toContain(url); expect(head.querySelector(`link#${id}`).id).toBe(id); expect(head.querySelector(`link#${id}`).rel).toBe('stylesheet'); expect(head.querySelector(`link#${id}`).type).toBe('text/css'); }); it('should load script', (done) => { // given spyOn(uUtils, 'addScript').and.callFake((_url, _id, _onload) => _onload()); // when uUtils.loadScript(url, id, 100) // then .then(() => done()) .catch((e) => done.fail(`reject callback called: ${e}`)); }); it('should fail loading script', (done) => { // given // eslint-disable-next-line max-params spyOn(uUtils, 'addScript').and.callFake((_url, _id, _onload, _onerror) => _onerror(new Error(`error loading ${_id} script`))); // when uUtils.loadScript(url, id, 100) // then .then(() => done.fail('resolve callback called')) .catch((e) => { expect(e.message).toContain('loading'); done(); }); }); it('should timeout loading script', (done) => { // given // eslint-disable-next-line max-params spyOn(uUtils, 'addScript'); // when uUtils.loadScript(url, id, 1) // then .then(() => done.fail('resolve callback called')) .catch((e) => { expect(e.message).toContain('timeout'); done(); }); }); it('should timeout promise', (done) => { // when uUtils.timeoutPromise(1) // then .then(() => done.fail('resolve callback called')) .catch((e) => { expect(e.message).toContain('timeout'); done(); }); }); it('should encode html', () => { expect(uUtils.htmlEncode('\'foo\' & "bar" <foobar>')) .toBe(''foo' & "bar" <foobar>'); }); it('should convert hex to rgba', () => { expect(uUtils.hexToRGBA('#abcdef', 0.3)) .toBe('rgba(171,205,239,0.3)'); expect(uUtils.hexToRGBA('#abc', 0)) .toBe('rgba(170,187,204,0)'); expect(uUtils.hexToRGBA('#abc')) .toBe('rgba(170,187,204,1)'); }); it('should remove DOM element by id', () => { // given const element = document.createElement('script'); element.id = id; document.head.appendChild(element); expect(document.getElementById(id)).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLScriptElement); // when uUtils.removeElementById(id); // then expect(document.getElementById(id)).toBeNull(); }); it('should create node from html string', () => { // given const html = `<div id="${id}"><span>test</span></div>`; // when const node = uUtils.nodeFromHtml(html); // then expect(node).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLDivElement); expect(node.id).toBe(id); expect(node.firstChild).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLSpanElement); }); it('should create multiple nodes from html string', () => { // given const html = `<div id="${id}"><span>test</span></div><div id="${id}_2"><span>test2</span></div>`; // when const nodes = uUtils.nodeFromHtml(html); // then expect(nodes).toBeInstanceOf(NodeList); expect(nodes.length).toBe(2); expect(nodes[0].id).toBe(id); expect(nodes[0].firstChild).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLSpanElement); expect(nodes[1].id).toBe(`${id}_2`); expect(nodes[1].firstChild).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLSpanElement); }); it('should parse float values', () => { expect(uUtils.getFloat('1.234')).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); expect(uUtils.getFloat('1.234')).toBe(1.234); expect(uUtils.getFloat('-1.234')).toBe(-1.234); expect(uUtils.getFloat('-0')).toBe(0); expect(uUtils.getFloat('1')).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getFloat('1a')).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getFloat(1.234)).toBe(1.234); expect(uUtils.getFloat(1)).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getFloat(null, true)).toBeNull(); expect(() => uUtils.getFloat(null)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined expect(() => uUtils.getFloat(undefined)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getFloat('string')).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getFloat('string', true)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getFloat('a1')).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); }); it('should parse integer values', () => { expect(uUtils.getInteger('1234')).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); expect(uUtils.getInteger('1234')).toBe(1234); expect(uUtils.getInteger('-1234')).toBe(-1234); expect(uUtils.getInteger('-0')).toBe(0); expect(uUtils.getInteger('1')).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getInteger('1a')).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getInteger(1234)).toBe(1234); expect(uUtils.getInteger(1.234)).toBe(1); expect(uUtils.getInteger(-1.234)).toBe(-1); expect(uUtils.getInteger(null, true)).toBeNull(); expect(() => uUtils.getInteger(null)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined expect(() => uUtils.getInteger(undefined)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getInteger('string')).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getInteger('string', true)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); expect(() => uUtils.getInteger('a1')).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); }); it('should parse string values', () => { expect(uUtils.getString('1234')).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(uUtils.getString(1234)).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(uUtils.getString(1.234)).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(uUtils.getString('1234')).toBe('1234'); expect(uUtils.getString(1234)).toBe('1234'); expect(uUtils.getString(1.234)).toBe('1.234'); expect(uUtils.getString(-1.234)).toBe('-1.234'); expect(uUtils.getString(null, true)).toBeNull(); expect(() => uUtils.getString(null)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined expect(() => uUtils.getString(undefined)).toThrowError(/Invalid value/); }); it('should format date', () => { // given const date = new Date(2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); spyOn(date, 'toTimeString').and.returnValues( '03:04:05 GMT+0200 (CEST)', '03:04:05 GMT+0200 (Central European Standard Time)', '03:04:05 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)' ); // when let formatted = uUtils.getTimeString(date); // then expect(formatted.date).toBe('2020-02-02'); expect(formatted.time).toBe('03:04:05'); expect(formatted.zone).toBe(' GMT+2 CEST'); // when formatted = uUtils.getTimeString(date); // then expect(formatted.zone).toBe(' GMT+2 CEST'); // when formatted = uUtils.getTimeString(date); // then expect(formatted.zone).toBe(' GMT-7 PDT'); }); it('should convert degrees to radians', () => { expect(uUtils.deg2rad(1)).toBeCloseTo(0.0174533, 7); }); it('should confirm two objects are equal', () => { // given const obj1 = { property1: true, property2: null, property3: 'string', property4: 4, property5: { sub1: 4, sub2: 'sub' } } const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1)); // when const result = uUtils.isDeepEqual(obj1, obj2); // then expect(result).toBeTrue(); }); it('should confirm two objects are not equal', () => { // given const obj1 = { property1: true, property2: null, property3: 'string', property4: 4, property5: { sub1: 4, sub2: 'sub' } } const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1)); obj2.property1 = false; // when const result = uUtils.isDeepEqual(obj1, obj2); // then expect(result).toBeFalse(); }); it('should confirm two objects are not equal on deeper level', () => { // given const obj1 = { property1: true, property2: null, property3: 'string', property4: 4, property5: { sub1: 4, sub2: 'sub' } } const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1)); obj2.property5.sub1 = 5; // when const result = uUtils.isDeepEqual(obj1, obj2); // then expect(result).toBeFalse(); }); it('should confirm two objects are not equal when object property is null on obj2', () => { // given const obj1 = { property1: true, property2: null, property3: 'string', property4: 4, property5: { sub1: 4, sub2: 'sub' } } const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1)); obj2.property5 = null; // when const result = uUtils.isDeepEqual(obj1, obj2); // then expect(result).toBeFalse(); }); it('should confirm two objects are not equal when object property is null on obj1', () => { // given const obj1 = { property1: true, property2: null, property3: 'string', property4: 4, property5: { sub1: 4, sub2: 'sub' } } const obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1)); obj2.property2 = { sub1: 1 }; // when const result = uUtils.isDeepEqual(obj1, obj2); // then expect(result).toBeFalse(); }); });