require_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/auth.php"); // sets $mysqli, $user, $config
require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/position.php");
* Add kml marker style element
* @param XMLWriter $xml Writer object
* @param string $name Color name
* @param string $url Url
function addStyle($xml, $name, $url) {
$xml->writeAttribute("id", "{$name}Style");
$xml->writeAttribute("id", "{$name}Icon");
$xml->writeElement("href", $url);
* Convert seconds to [day], hour, minute, second string
* @param [type] $s Number of seconds
* @return string [d ]hhmmss
function toHMS($s) {
$d = floor($s / 86400);
$h = floor(($s % 86400) / 3600);
$m = floor((($s % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
$s = (($s % 86400) % 3600) % 60;
return (($d > 0) ? "$d d " : "") . sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s);
$type = isset($_REQUEST["type"]) ? $_REQUEST["type"] : "kml";
$userId = (isset($_REQUEST["userid"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["userid"])) ? (int) $_REQUEST["userid"] : NULL;
$trackId = (isset($_REQUEST["trackid"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["trackid"])) ? (int) $_REQUEST["trackid"] : NULL;
if (!$config::$public_tracks && !$user->isAdmin && $user->id !== $userId) {
// unauthorized
if ($config::$units == "imperial") {
$factor_kmh = 0.62; //to mph
$unit_kmh = "mph";
$factor_m = 3.28; // to feet
$unit_m = "ft";
$factor_km = 0.62; // to miles
$unit_km = "mi";
} else {
$factor_kmh = 1;
$unit_kmh = "km/h";
$factor_m = 1;
$unit_m = "m";
$factor_km = 1;
$unit_km = "km";
if ($trackId && $userId) {
$position = new uPosition();
$positionsArr = [];
$positionsArr = $position->getAll($userId, $trackId);
if (empty($positionsArr)) {
switch ($type) {
case "kml":
header("Content-type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"track{$positionsArr[0]->trackId}.kml\"");
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$xml->startDocument("1.0", "utf-8");
$xml->writeAttributeNs('xsi', 'schemaLocation', NULL, "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2 http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd");
$xml->writeAttributeNs('xmlns', 'xsi', NULL, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
$xml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2");
$xml->writeElement("name", $positionsArr[0]->trackName);
// line style
$xml->writeAttribute("id", "lineStyle");
$xml->writeElement("color", "7f0000ff");
$xml->writeElement("width", "4");
// marker styles
addStyle($xml, "red", "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/markerA.png");
addStyle($xml, "green", "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/marker_greenB.png");
addStyle($xml, "gray", "http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ridefinder-images/mm_20_gray.png");
$style = "#redStyle"; // for first element
$i = 0;
$totalMeters = 0;
$totalSeconds = 0;
foreach ($positionsArr as $position) {
$distance = isset($prevPosition) ? $position->distanceTo($prevPosition) : 0;
$seconds = isset($prevPosition) ? $position->secondsTo($prevPosition) : 0;
$prevPosition = $position;
$totalMeters += $distance;
$totalSeconds += $seconds;
if(++$i == count($positionsArr)) { $style = "#greenStyle"; } // last element
$xml->writeAttribute("id", "point_{$position->id}");
$description =
" .
"{$lang["user"]}: " . htmlspecialchars($position->userLogin) . "
{$lang["track"]}: " . htmlspecialchars($position->trackName) .
" .
"" .
{$lang["time"]}: {$position->time}
" .
(!is_null($position->speed) ? "{$lang["speed"]}: " . round($position->speed * 3.6 * $factor_kmh, 2) . " {$unit_kmh}
" : "") .
(!is_null($position->altitude) ? "{$lang["altitude"]}: " . round($position->altitude * $factor_m) . " {$unit_m}
" : "") .
"{$lang["ttime"]}: " . toHMS($totalSeconds) . "
" .
"{$lang["aspeed"]}: " . (($totalSeconds != 0) ? round($totalMeters / $totalSeconds * 3.6 * $factor_kmh, 2) : 0) . " {$unit_kmh}
" .
"{$lang["tdistance"]}: " . round($totalMeters / 1000 * $factor_km, 2) . " " . $unit_km . "
" .
" . sprintf($lang["pointof"], $i, count($positionsArr)) . "
" .
$xml->writeElement("styleUrl", $style);
$coordinate[$i] = "{$position->longitude},{$position->latitude}" . (!is_null($position->altitude) ? ",{$position->altitude}" : "");
$xml->writeElement("coordinates", $coordinate[$i]);
$style = "#grayStyle"; // other elements
$coordinates = implode("\n", $coordinate);
$xml->writeAttribute("id", "lineString");
$xml->writeElement("styleUrl", "#lineStyle");
$xml->writeElement("coordinates", $coordinates);
case "gpx":
header("Content-type: application/application/gpx+xm");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"track" . $positionsArr[0]->trackId . ".gpx\"");
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$xml->startDocument("1.0", "utf-8");
$xml->writeAttributeNs('xsi', 'schemaLocation', NULL, "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd");
$xml->writeAttributeNs('xmlns', 'xsi', NULL, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
$xml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1");
$xml->writeAttribute("creator", "μlogger");
$xml->writeAttribute("version", "1.1");
$xml->writeElement("name", $positionsArr[0]->trackName);
$xml->writeElement("time", str_replace(" ", "T", $positionsArr[0]->time));
$xml->writeElement("name", $positionsArr[0]->trackName);
$i = 0;
$totalMeters = 0;
$totalSeconds = 0;
foreach ($positionsArr as $position) {
$distance = isset($prevPosition) ? $position->distanceTo($prevPosition) : 0;
$seconds = isset($prevPosition) ? $position->secondsTo($prevPosition) : 0;
$prevPosition = $position;
$totalMeters += $distance;
$totalSeconds += $seconds;
$xml->writeAttribute("lat", $position->latitude);
$xml->writeAttribute("lon", $position->longitude);
if (!is_null($position->altitude)) { $xml->writeElement("ele", $position->altitude); }
$xml->writeElement("time", str_replace(" ", "T", $position->time));
$xml->writeElement("name", ++$i);
$description =
"{$lang["user"]}: {$position->userLogin} {$lang["track"]}: {$position->trackName} {$lang["time"]}: {$position->time}" .
(!is_null($position->speed) ? " {$lang["speed"]}: " . round($position->speed * 3.6 * $factor_kmh, 2) . " {$unit_kmh}" : "") .
(!is_null($position->altitude) ? " {$lang["altitude"]}: " . round($position->altitude * $factor_m) . " {$unit_m}" : "") .
" {$lang["ttime"]}: " . toHMS($totalSeconds) .
" {$lang["aspeed"]}: " . (($totalSeconds != 0) ? round($totalMeters / $totalSeconds * 3.6 * $factor_kmh, 2) : 0) . " {$unit_kmh}" .
" {$lang["tdistance"]}: " . round($totalMeters / 1000 * $factor_km, 2) . " {$unit_km}" .
" " . sprintf($lang["pointof"], $i, count($positionsArr));