<?php /* μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2017 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ $lang["title"] = "• μlogger •"; $lang["private"] = "Necesitas un nombre de usuario y contraseña para acceder a esta página."; $lang["authfail"] = "Nombre de usuasrio o contraseña erroneos"; $lang["user"] = "Usuario"; $lang["track"] = "Rastro"; $lang["latest"] = "última posición"; $lang["autoreload"] = "autorecarga"; $lang["reload"] = "Recargar ahora"; $lang["download"] = "Descargar datos"; $lang["chart"] = "Gráfico de altitudes"; $lang["close"] = "cerrar"; $lang["time"] = "Hora"; $lang["speed"] = "Velocidad"; $lang["accuracy"] = "Precisión"; $lang["altitude"] = "Altitud"; $lang["ttime"] = "Tiempo total"; $lang["aspeed"] = "Velocidad media"; $lang["tdistance"] = "Distancia total"; $lang["pointof"] = "Punto %d de %d"; $lang["summary"] = "Resumen del viaje"; $lang["suser"] = "seleccione usuario"; $lang["logout"] = "Cerrar sesión"; $lang["login"] = "Identificarse"; $lang["username"] = "Nombre de usuario"; $lang["password"] = "Contraseña"; $lang["language"] = "Lenguaje"; $lang["newinterval"] = "Introduzca nuevo valor para el intervalo (segundos)"; $lang["api"] = "Mapa API"; $lang["units"] = "Unidades"; $lang["metric"] = "Metricas"; $lang["imperial"] = "Imperiales/US"; $lang["adminmenu"] = "Administración"; $lang["passwordrepeat"] = "Repita contraseña"; $lang["passwordenter"] = "Introduzca contraseña"; $lang["usernameenter"] = "Introduzca nombre de usuario"; $lang["adduser"] = "Añadir usuario"; $lang["userexists"] = "Ususario ya existe"; $lang["cancel"] ="Cancelar"; $lang["submit"] = "Enviar"; $lang["oldpassword"] = "Contraseña vieja"; $lang["newpassword"] = "Nueva contraseña"; $lang["newpasswordrepeat"] = "Repita nueva contraseña"; $lang["changepass"] = "Cambiar contraseña"; $lang["gps"] = "GPS"; $lang["network"] = "Red"; ?>