/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { auth, config, lang } from '../src/initializer.js'; import Fixture from './helpers/fixture.js'; import UserViewModel from '../src/userviewmodel.js'; import ViewModel from '../src/viewmodel.js'; import uSelect from '../src/select.js'; import uState from '../src/state.js'; import uUser from '../src/user.js'; describe('UserViewModel tests', () => { let state; let user1; let user2; let users; /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ let userEl; let userEditEl; let userAddEl; let userPassEl; let vm; beforeEach((done) => { Fixture.load('main-authorized.html') .then(() => done()) .catch((e) => done.fail(e)); }); beforeEach(() => { userEl = document.querySelector('#user'); userEditEl = document.querySelector('#edituser'); userAddEl = document.querySelector('#adduser'); userPassEl = document.querySelector('#user-pass'); config.reinitialize(); lang.init(config); lang.strings['suser'] = 'select user'; lang.strings['allusers'] = 'all users'; state = new uState(); user1 = new uUser(1, 'user1'); user2 = new uUser(2, 'user2'); users = [ user1, user2 ]; vm = new UserViewModel(state); }); afterEach(() => { Fixture.clear(); auth.user = null; }); it('should create instance with state as parameter', () => { expect(vm).toBeInstanceOf(ViewModel); expect(vm.select.element).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLSelectElement); expect(vm.state).toBe(state); expect(userEl.value).toBe('0'); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(1); expect(userEl.options[0].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[0].value).toBe('0'); }); it('should load user list and select first user on list', (done) => { // given spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(users)); // when vm.init(); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(users.length); expect(userEl.value).toBe(user1.listValue); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(users.length + 1); expect(userEl.options[1].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[1].value).toBe(user1.listValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should load user list and select authorized user on list', (done) => { // given spyOn(uUser, 'fetchList').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(users)); // when auth.user = user2; vm.init(); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(users.length); expect(userEl.value).toBe(user2.listValue); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(users.length + 1); expect(userEl.options[2].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[2].value).toBe(user2.listValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should change current user on user list option selected', (done) => { // given state.currentUser = user1; vm.model.userList = users; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; const options = '<option selected value="1">user1</option><option value="2">user2</option>'; userEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', options); const optLength = userEl.options.length; vm.setObservers(state); vm.bindAll(); // when userEl.value = user2.listValue; userEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user2); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(optLength); expect(userEl.value).toBe(user2.listValue); expect(userEl.options[2].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[2].value).toBe(user2.listValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should set showAllUsers state on "all users" option selected', (done) => { // given state.currentUser = user1; state.showAllUsers = false; vm.model.userList = users; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; const options = `<option value="${uSelect.allValue}">all users</option><option selected value="1">user1</option><option value="2">user2</option>`; userEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', options); const optLength = userEl.options.length; vm.setObservers(state); vm.bindAll(); // when userEl.value = uSelect.allValue; userEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(state.showAllUsers).toBe(true); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(null); expect(userEl.value).toBe(uSelect.allValue); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(optLength); expect(userEl.options[1].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[1].value).toBe(uSelect.allValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should add "all users" option when "showLatest" state is set', (done) => { // given state.currentUser = user1; state.showAllUsers = false; vm.model.userList = users; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; const options = '<option selected value="1">user1</option><option value="2">user2</option>'; userEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', options); const optLength = userEl.options.length; const listLength = vm.model.userList.length; vm.setObservers(state); vm.bindAll(); // when state.showLatest = true; // then setTimeout(() => { expect(state.showAllUsers).toBe(false); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user1); expect(vm.select.hasAllOption).toBe(true); expect(userEl.value).toBe(user1.listValue); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(optLength + 1); expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(listLength); expect(userEl.options[1].selected).toBe(false); expect(userEl.options[1].value).toBe(uSelect.allValue); expect(userEl.options[2].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[2].value).toBe(user1.listValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should remove "all users" option when "showLatest" state is unset', (done) => { // given state.currentUser = user1; state.showAllUsers = false; state.showLatest = true; vm.model.userList = users; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; const options = `<option value="${uSelect.allValue}">all users</option><option selected value="1">user1</option><option value="2">user2</option>`; userEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', options); const optLength = userEl.options.length; const listLength = vm.model.userList.length; vm.setObservers(state); vm.bindAll(); // when state.showLatest = false; // then setTimeout(() => { expect(state.showAllUsers).toBe(false); expect(state.currentUser).toBe(user1); expect(vm.select.hasAllOption).toBe(false); expect(userEl.value).toBe(user1.listValue); expect(userEl.options.length).toBe(optLength - 1); expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(listLength); expect(userEl.options[1].selected).toBe(true); expect(userEl.options[1].value).toBe(user1.listValue); done(); }, 100); }); it('should show user edit dialog on button click', (done) => { // given spyOn(vm, 'showDialog'); // when vm.bindAll(); userEditEl.click(); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.showDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith('edit'); done(); }, 100); }); it('should show user add dialog on button click', (done) => { // given spyOn(vm, 'showDialog'); // when vm.bindAll(); userAddEl.click(); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.showDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith('add'); done(); }, 100); }); it('should show password change dialog on button click', (done) => { // given spyOn(vm, 'showDialog'); // when vm.bindAll(); userPassEl.click(); // then setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.showDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith('pass'); done(); }, 100); }); it('should add new user to user list in alphabetic order', () => { // given user1 = new uUser(1, 'b'); user2 = new uUser(2, 'a'); vm.model.userList = [ user1 ]; // when vm.onUserAdded(user2); // then expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(2); expect(vm.model.userList[0]).toBe(user2); }); it('should remove current user from user list and set new current user id', () => { // given vm.model.userList = [ user1, user2 ]; vm.state.currentUser = user1; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; // when vm.onUserDeleted(); // then expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(1); expect(vm.model.currentUserId).toBe(user2.listValue); expect(vm.state.currentUser).toBe(null); }); it('should remove last remaining element from user list and set empty user id', () => { // given vm.model.userList = [ user1 ]; vm.state.currentUser = user1; vm.model.currentUserId = user1.listValue; // when vm.onUserDeleted(); // then expect(vm.model.userList.length).toBe(0); expect(vm.model.currentUserId).toBe('0'); expect(vm.state.currentUser).toBe(null); }); it('show hide element', () => { // given const element = document.createElement('div'); // when UserViewModel.setMenuVisible(element, false); // then expect(element.classList.contains('menu-hidden')).toBe(true); }); it('show shown hidden element', () => { // given const element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('menu-hidden'); // when UserViewModel.setMenuVisible(element, true); // then expect(element.classList.contains('menu-hidden')).toBe(false); }); });