/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import uAjax from './ajax.js'; import uUtils from './utils.js'; /** * @class uPosition * @property {number} id * @property {number} latitude * @property {number} longitude * @property {?number} altitude * @property {?number} speed * @property {?number} bearing * @property {?number} accuracy * @property {?string} provider * @property {?string} comment * @property {?string} image * @property {string} username * @property {string} trackname * @property {number} trackid * @property {number} timestamp * @property {number} meters Distance to previous position * @property {number} seconds Time difference to previous position * @property {number} totalMeters Distance to first position * @property {number} totalSeconds Time difference to first position */ export default class uPosition { /** * @throws On invalid input * @param {Object} pos * @returns {uPosition} */ static fromJson(pos) { const position = new uPosition(); position.id = uUtils.getInteger(pos.id); position.latitude = uUtils.getFloat(pos.latitude); position.longitude = uUtils.getFloat(pos.longitude); position.altitude = uUtils.getInteger(pos.altitude, true); // may be null position.speed = uUtils.getFloat(pos.speed, true); // may be null position.bearing = uUtils.getInteger(pos.bearing, true); // may be null position.accuracy = uUtils.getInteger(pos.accuracy, true); // may be null position.provider = uUtils.getString(pos.provider, true); // may be null position.comment = uUtils.getString(pos.comment, true); // may be null position.image = uUtils.getString(pos.image, true); // may be null position.username = uUtils.getString(pos.username); position.trackname = uUtils.getString(pos.trackname); position.trackid = uUtils.getInteger(pos.trackid); position.timestamp = uUtils.getInteger(pos.timestamp); position.meters = uUtils.getInteger(pos.meters); position.seconds = uUtils.getInteger(pos.seconds); position.totalMeters = 0; position.totalSeconds = 0; return position; } /** * @return {boolean} */ hasComment() { return (this.comment != null && this.comment.length > 0); } /** * @return {boolean} */ hasImage() { return (this.image != null && this.image.length > 0); } /** * @return {?string} */ getImagePath() { return this.hasImage() ? `uploads/${this.image}` : null; } /** * Get total speed in m/s * @return {number} */ get totalSpeed() { return this.totalSeconds ? this.totalMeters / this.totalSeconds : 0; } /** * @return {Promise} */ delete() { return uPosition.update({ action: 'delete', posid: this.id }); } /** * @return {Promise} */ save() { return uPosition.update({ action: 'update', posid: this.id, comment: this.comment }); } /** * @return {Promise} */ imageDelete() { return uPosition.update({ action: 'imagedel', posid: this.id }).then(() => { this.image = null; }); } /** * @param {File} imageFile * @return {Promise} */ imageAdd(imageFile) { const data = new FormData(); data.append('image', imageFile); data.append('action', 'imageadd'); data.append('posid', this.id); return uPosition.update(data).then( /** * @param {Object} result * @param {string} result.image */ (result) => { this.image = result.image; }); } /** * Save track data * @param {Object} data * @return {Promise} */ static update(data) { return uAjax.post('utils/handleposition.php', data); } /** * Calculate distance to target point using haversine formula * @param {uPosition} target * @return {number} Distance in meters */ distanceTo(target) { const lat1 = uUtils.deg2rad(this.latitude); const lon1 = uUtils.deg2rad(this.longitude); const lat2 = uUtils.deg2rad(target.latitude); const lon2 = uUtils.deg2rad(target.longitude); const latD = lat2 - lat1; const lonD = lon2 - lon1; const bearing = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt((Math.sin(latD / 2) ** 2) + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * (Math.sin(lonD / 2) ** 2))); return bearing * 6371000; } /** * Calculate time elapsed since target point * @param {uPosition} target * @return {number} Number of seconds */ secondsTo(target) { return this.timestamp - target.timestamp; } }