/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import uObserve from '../src/observe.js'; describe('Observe tests', () => { let object; let result = false; let resultValue; beforeEach(() => { object = { observed: 1, nonObserved: 1 }; result = false; }); describe('when object is observed', () => { it('should throw error if observer is missing', () => { expect(() => { uObserve.observe(object, 'observed'); }).toThrow(new Error('Invalid arguments')); }); it('should notify observers when observed property is modified', () => { // given uObserve.observe(object, 'observed', (value) => { result = true; resultValue = value; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); object.observed = 2; // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toBe(2); }); it('should not notify observers when non-observed property is modified', () => { // given uObserve.observe(object, 'observed', () => { result = true; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); object.nonObserved = 2; // then expect(result).toBe(false); }); it('should not notify observers when modified value is same', () => { // given uObserve.observe(object, 'observed', () => { result = true; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); object.observed = 1; // then expect(result).toBe(false); }); it('should notify observers when any property is modified', () => { // given uObserve.observe(object, (value) => { result = true; resultValue = value; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); object.observed = 2; // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toBe(2); // given result = false; resultValue = null; // when expect(result).toBe(false); object.nonObserved = 2; // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toBe(2); }); it('should notify observers when observed array property is modified', () => { // given const array = [ 1, 2 ]; object = { array: array }; uObserve.observe(object, 'array', (value) => { result = true; resultValue = value; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); array.push(3); // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toEqual(array); }); it('should notify observers when observed array object is modified', () => { // given const array = [ 1, 2 ]; uObserve.observe(array, (value) => { result = true; resultValue = value; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); array.push(3); // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toEqual(array); }); it('should retain observers after array is reassigned', () => { // given const array = [ 1, 2 ]; const newArray = [ 3, 4 ]; object = { array: array }; uObserve.observe(object, 'array', (value) => { result = true; resultValue = value; }); // when object.array = newArray; result = false; expect(result).toBe(false); object.array.push(5); // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(resultValue).toEqual(newArray); }); }); describe('when notify is called directly', () => { it('should call observers with given value', () => { // given const observers = new Set(); let result2 = false; observers.add((value) => { result = value; }); observers.add((value) => { result2 = value; }); // when expect(result).toBe(false); expect(result2).toBe(false); uObserve.notify(observers, true); // then expect(result).toBe(true); expect(result2).toBe(true); }); }); });