/* * μlogger * * Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net) * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import { lang as $, auth, config } from './initializer.js'; import ViewModel from './viewmodel.js'; import uDialog from './dialog.js'; import uUser from './user.js'; import uUtils from './utils.js'; export default class UserDialogModel extends ViewModel { /** * @param {UserViewModel} viewModel * @param {string} type */ constructor(viewModel, type) { super({ onUserDelete: null, onUserUpdate: null, onUserAdd: null, onCancel: null, login: null, password: null, password2: null, oldPassword: null }); this.user = viewModel.state.currentUser; this.type = type; this.userVM = viewModel; this.model.onUserDelete = () => this.onUserDelete(); this.model.onUserUpdate = () => this.onUserUpdate(); this.model.onUserAdd = () => this.onUserAdd(); this.model.onCancel = () => this.onCancel(); } init() { const html = this.getHtml(); this.dialog = new uDialog(html); this.dialog.show(); this.bindAll(this.dialog.element); } onUserDelete() { if (uDialog.isConfirmed($._('userdelwarn', uUtils.htmlEncode(this.user.login)))) { this.user.delete().then(() => { this.userVM.onUserDeleted(); this.dialog.destroy(); }).catch((e) => { uUtils.error(e, `${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`); }); } } onUserUpdate() { if (this.validate()) { const user = this.type === 'pass' ? auth.user : this.user; user.setPassword(this.model.password, this.model.oldPassword) .then(() => this.dialog.destroy()) .catch((e) => { uUtils.error(e, `${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`); }); } } onUserAdd() { if (this.validate()) { uUser.add(this.model.login, this.model.password).then((user) => { this.userVM.onUserAdded(user); this.dialog.destroy(); }).catch((e) => { uUtils.error(e, `${$._('actionfailure')}\n${e.message}`); }); } } onCancel() { this.dialog.destroy(); } /** * Validate form * @return {boolean} True if valid */ validate() { if (this.type === 'add') { if (!this.model.login) { alert($._('allrequired')); return false; } } else if (this.type === 'pass') { if (!this.model.oldPassword) { alert($._('allrequired')); return false; } } if (!this.model.password || !this.model.password2) { alert($._('allrequired')); return false; } if (this.model.password !== this.model.password2) { alert($._('passnotmatch')); return false; } if (!config.passRegex.test(this.model.password)) { alert($._('passlenmin') + '\n' + $._('passrules')); return false; } return true; } /** * @return {string} */ getHtml() { let deleteButton = ''; let header = ''; let observer; let fields; switch (this.type) { case 'add': observer = 'onUserAdd'; header = ` `; fields = ` `; break; case 'edit': observer = 'onUserUpdate'; deleteButton = `
${$._('editinguser', `${uUtils.htmlEncode(this.user.login)}`)}
`; fields = ` `; break; case 'pass': observer = 'onUserUpdate'; fields = ` `; break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown dialog type: ${this.type}`); } return `${deleteButton}
${header} ${fields}
`; } }