2017-04-12 20:16:39 +02:00

487 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

/* μlogger
* Copyright(C) 2017 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net)
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// general stuff
if (units == 'imperial') {
factor_kmh = 0.62; //to mph
unit_kmh = 'mph';
factor_m = 3.28; // to feet
unit_m = 'ft';
factor_km = 0.62; // to miles
unit_km = 'mi';
else {
factor_kmh = 1;
unit_kmh = 'km/h';
factor_m = 1;
unit_m = 'm';
factor_km = 1;
unit_km = 'km';
var latest = 0;
var latestTime = 0;
var live = 0;
var chart;
var altitudes = new Array();
var altTimeout;
function displayChart() {
if (chart) { google.visualization.events.removeAllListeners(chart); }
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('number', 'id');
data.addColumn('number', 'altitude');
var altLen = altitudes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < altLen; i++) {
data.addRow([(i + 1), Math.round((altitudes[i] * factor_m))]);
var options = {
title: lang['altitude'] + ' (' + unit_m + ')',
hAxis: { textPosition: 'none' },
legend: { position: 'none' }
chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
chart.draw(data, options);
function toggleChart(i) {
var altLen = altitudes.length;
if (altLen <= 1) { return; }
var e = document.getElementById('bottom');
if (arguments.length < 1) {
if (e.style.display == 'block') { i = 0 }
else { i = 1; }
if (i == 0) {
e.style.display = 'none';
else {
e.style.display = 'block';
function toggleMenu(i) {
var emenu = document.getElementById('menu');
var emain = document.getElementById('main');
var ebutton = document.getElementById('menu-close');
if (arguments.length < 1) {
if (ebutton.innerHTML == '»') { i = 0 }
else { i = 1; }
if (i == 0) {
emenu.style.width = '0';
emain.style.marginRight = '0';
ebutton.style.right = '0';
ebutton.innerHTML = '«';
else {
emenu.style.width = '165px';
emain.style.marginRight = '165px';
ebutton.style.right = '165px';
ebutton.innerHTML = '»';
function getXHR() {
var xmlhttp = null;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
return xmlhttp;
function loadTrack(userid, trackid, update) {
if (latest == 1) { trackid = 0; }
var xhr = getXHR();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
var xml = xhr.responseXML;
var positions = xml.getElementsByTagName('position');
if (positions.length > 0) {
displayTrack(xml, update);
xhr = null;
xhr.open('GET', 'utils/getpositions.php?trackid=' + trackid + '&userid=' + userid, true);
function parsePosition(p) {
// read data
var latitude = getNode(p, 'latitude');
var longitude = getNode(p, 'longitude');
var altitude = getNode(p, 'altitude'); // may be null
if (altitude != null) { altitude = parseInt(altitude); }
var speed = getNode(p, 'speed'); // may be null
if (speed != null) { speed = parseInt(speed); }
var bearing = getNode(p, 'bearing'); // may be null
if (bearing != null) { bearing = parseInt(bearing); }
var accuracy = getNode(p, 'accuracy'); // may be null
if (accuracy != null) { accuracy = parseInt(accuracy); }
var provider = getNode(p, 'provider'); // may be null
var comments = getNode(p, 'comments'); // may be null
var username = getNode(p, 'username');
var trackname = getNode(p, 'trackname');
var tid = getNode(p, 'trackid');
var dateoccured = getNode(p, 'dateoccured');
var distance = parseInt(getNode(p, 'distance'));
var seconds = parseInt(getNode(p, 'seconds'));
return {
'latitude': latitude,
'longitude': longitude,
'altitude': altitude,
'speed': speed,
'bearing': bearing,
'accuracy': accuracy,
'provider': provider,
'comments': comments,
'username': username,
'trackname': trackname,
'tid': tid,
'dateoccured': dateoccured,
'distance': distance,
'seconds': seconds
function getPopupHtml(p, i, count) {
var dateTime = p.dateoccured.split(" ");
var date = dateTime[0];
var time = dateTime[1];
var provider = '';
if (p.provider == 'gps') {
provider = ' (<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['gps'] + '" title="' + lang['gps'] + '" src="images/gps_dark.svg">)';
} else if (p.provider == 'network') {
provider = ' (<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['network'] + '" title="' + lang['network'] + '" src="images/network_dark.svg">)';
var stats = '';
if (latest == 0) {
stats =
'<div id="pright">' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['track'] + '" src="images/stats_blue.svg" style="padding-left: 3em;"><br>' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['ttime'] + '" title="' + lang['ttime'] + '" src="images/time_blue.svg"> ' +
p.totalSeconds.toHMS() + '<br>' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['aspeed'] + '" title="' + lang['aspeed'] + '" src="images/speed_blue.svg"> ' +
((p.totalSeconds > 0) ? ((p.totalMeters / p.totalSeconds).toKmH() * factor_kmh).toFixed() : 0) + ' ' + unit_kmh + '<br>' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['tdistance'] + '" title="' + lang['tdistance'] + '" src="images/distance_blue.svg"> ' +
(p.totalMeters.toKm() * factor_km).toFixed(2) + ' ' + unit_km + '<br>' + '</div>';
popup =
'<div id="popup">' +
'<div id="pheader">' +
'<div><img alt="' + lang['user'] + '" title="' + lang['user'] + '" src="images/user_dark.svg"> ' + p.username + '</div>' +
'<div><img alt="' + lang['track'] + '" title="' + lang['track'] + '" src="images/route_dark.svg"> ' + p.trackname + '</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="pbody">' +
((p.comments != null) ? '<div id="pcomments">' + p.comments + '</div>' : '') +
'<div id="pleft">' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['time'] + '" title="' + lang['time'] + '" src="images/calendar_dark.svg"> ' + date + '<br>' +
'<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['time'] + '" title="' + lang['time'] + '" src="images/clock_dark.svg"> ' + time + '<br>' +
((p.speed != null) ? '<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['speed'] + '" title="' + lang['speed'] + '" src="images/speed_dark.svg"> ' +
(p.speed.toKmH() * factor_kmh) + ' ' + unit_kmh + '<br>' : '') +
((p.altitude != null) ? '<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['altitude'] + '" title="' + lang['altitude'] + '" src="images/altitude_dark.svg"> ' +
(p.altitude * factor_m).toFixed() + ' ' + unit_m + '<br>' : '') +
((p.accuracy != null) ? '<img class="icon" alt="' + lang['accuracy'] + '" title="' + lang['accuracy'] + '" src="images/accuracy_dark.svg"> ' +
(p.accuracy * factor_m).toFixed() + ' ' + unit_m + provider + '<br>' : '') +
'</div>' +
stats +
'<div id="pfooter">' + lang['point'] + ' ' + (i + 1) + ' ' + lang['of'] + ' ' + count + '</div>' +
return popup;
function load(type, userid, trackid) {
var url = 'utils/download.php?type=' + type + '&userid=' + userid + '&trackid=' + trackid;
function updateSummary(l, d, s) {
var t = document.getElementById('summary');
if (latest == 0) {
t.innerHTML = '<u>' + lang['summary'] + '</u><br>' +
'<span><img class="icon" alt="' + lang['tdistance'] + '" title="' + lang['tdistance'] + '" src="images/distance.svg"> ' + (d.toKm() * factor_km).toFixed(2) + ' ' + unit_km + '</span>' +
'<span><img class="icon" alt="' + lang['ttime'] + '" title="' + lang['ttime'] + '" src="images/time.svg"> ' + s.toHMS() + '</span>';
else {
t.innerHTML = '<u>' + lang['latest'] + ':</u><br>' + l;
function getNode(p, name) {
return ((p.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes[0]) ? p.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue : null);
// seconds to (d) H:M:S
Number.prototype.toHMS = function() {
var s = this;
var d = Math.floor(s / 86400);
var h = Math.floor((s % 86400) / 3600);
var m = Math.floor(((s % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
s = ((s % 86400) % 3600) % 60;
return ((d > 0) ? (d + ' d ') : '') + (('00' + h).slice(-2)) + ':' + (('00' + m).slice(-2)) + ':' + (('00' + s).slice(-2)) + '';
// meters to km
Number.prototype.toKm = function() {
return Math.round(this / 10) / 100;
// m/s to km/h
Number.prototype.toKmH = function() {
return Math.round(this * 3600 / 10) / 100;
// negate value
function toggleLatest() {
if (latest == 0) {
latest = 1;
loadTrack(userid, 0, 1);
else {
latest = 0;
loadTrack(userid, trackid, 1);
function setTrack(t) {
document.getElementsByName('track')[0].value = t;
function selectTrack(f) {
trackid = f.options[f.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById('latest').checked = false;
if (latest == 1) { toggleLatest(); }
loadTrack(userid, trackid, 1);
function selectUser(f) {
userid = f.options[f.selectedIndex].value;
if (f.options[0].disabled == false) {
f.options[0].disabled = true;
document.getElementById('latest').checked = false;
if (latest == 1) { toggleLatest(); }
function getTracks(userid) {
var xhr = getXHR();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
var xml = xhr.responseXML;
var trackSelect = document.getElementsByName('track')[0];
var tracks = xml.getElementsByTagName('track');
if (tracks.length > 0) {
} else {
xhr = null;
xhr.open('GET', 'utils/gettracks.php?userid=' + userid, true);
function fillOptions(xml) {
var trackSelect = document.getElementsByName('track')[0];
var tracks = xml.getElementsByTagName('track');
var trackLen = tracks.length;
for (var i = 0; i < trackLen; i++) {
var trackid = getNode(tracks[i], 'trackid');
var trackname = getNode(tracks[i], 'trackname');
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = trackid;
option.innerHTML = trackname;
var defaultTrack = getNode(tracks[0], 'trackid');
loadTrack(userid, defaultTrack, 1);
function clearOptions(el) {
if (el.options) {
while (el.options.length) {
var auto;
function autoReload() {
if (live == 0) {
live = 1;
auto = setInterval(function () { loadTrack(userid, trackid, 0); }, interval * 1000);
else {
live = 0;
function setTime() {
var i = parseInt(prompt(lang['newinterval']));
if (!isNaN(i) && i != interval) {
interval = i;
document.getElementById('auto').innerHTML = interval;
// if live tracking on, reload with new interval
if (live == 1) {
live = 0;
// save current state as default
setCookie('interval', interval, 30);
// dynamic change of map api
var savedBounds;
function loadMapAPI(api) {
savedBounds = getBounds();
document.getElementById("map-canvas").innerHTML = '';
var url = new Array();
if (api == 'gmaps') {
url.push('//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?' + ((gkey !== null) ? ('key=' + gkey + '&') : '') + 'callback=init');
else {
waitAndLoad(api, url);
var loadTime = 0;
function waitAndLoad(api, url) {
// wait till first script loaded
if (loadTime > 5000) { loadTime = 0; alert('Sorry, can\'t load ' + api + ' API'); return; }
if (loadedAPI !== api) {
setTimeout(function () { loadTime += 50; waitAndLoad(api, url); }, 50);
if (!isScriptLoaded(url[1])) {
loadTime = 0;
function waitAndInit(api) {
// wait till main api loads
if (loadTime > 10000) { loadTime = 0; alert('Sorry, can\'t load ' + api + ' API'); return; }
try {
catch (e) {
setTimeout(function () { loadTime += 50; waitAndInit(api); }, 50);
loadTime = 0;
loadTrack(userid, trackid, 0);
// save current api as default
setCookie('api', api, 30);
function addScript(url) {
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
tag.setAttribute('src', url);
if (typeof tag != 'undefined') {
function isScriptLoaded(url) {
scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = scripts.length; i--;) {
// check if url matches src
var scriptUrl = scripts[i].src.replace(/https?:/, '');
if (scriptUrl != '' && url.indexOf(scriptUrl) !== -1) return true;
return false;
function setCookie(name, value, days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
else {
var expires = '';
document.cookie = 'ulogger_' + name + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/';
function setLang(lang) {
setCookie('lang', lang, 30);
function setUnits(unit) {
units = unit;
setCookie('units', unit, 30);
function showModal(contentHTML) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('id', 'modal');
div.innerHTML = '<div id="modal-header"><button type="button" onclick="removeModal()"><img alt="' + lang['close'] + '" src="images/close.svg"></button></div><div id="modal-body"></div>';
var modalBody = document.getElementById('modal-body');
modalBody.innerHTML = contentHTML;
function removeModal() {
function userMenu() {
var dropdown = document.getElementById('user_dropdown');
if (dropdown.classList.contains('show')) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('click', removeOnClick, true);
function removeOnClick(event) {
var parent = event.target.parentElement;
var dropdown = document.getElementById('user_dropdown');
window.removeEventListener('click', removeOnClick, true);
if (!parent.classList.contains('dropdown')) {