Bartek Fabiszewski 83c139a035 Add lang class
2019-12-19 22:25:16 +01:00

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* μlogger
* Copyright(C) 2019 Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net)
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import { lang as $, config } from './initializer.js';
import GoogleMapsApi from './mapapi/api_gmaps.js';
import OpenLayersApi from './mapapi/api_openlayers.js';
import ViewModel from './viewmodel.js';
import uObserve from './observe.js';
import uUtils from './utils.js';
* @typedef {Object} MapViewModel.api
* @interface
* @memberOf MapViewModel
* @type {Object}
* @property {function(MapViewModel)} init
* @property {function} cleanup
* @property {function(uTrack, boolean)} displayTrack
* @property {function} clearMap
* @property {function(number)} animateMarker
* @property {function} getBounds
* @property {function} zoomToExtent
* @property {function} zoomToBounds
* @property {function} updateSize
* @class MapViewModel
export default class MapViewModel extends ViewModel {
* @param {uState} state
constructor(state) {
/** @type {?number} */
markerOver: null,
/** @type {?number} */
markerSelect: null
this.state = state;
/** @type HTMLElement */
this.mapElement = document.querySelector('#map-canvas');
this.savedBounds = null;
this.api = null;
* Dynamic change of map api
* @param {string} apiName API name
loadMapAPI(apiName) {
if (this.api) {
try {
this.savedBounds = this.api.getBounds();
} catch (e) {
this.savedBounds = null;
this.api = this.getApi(apiName);
.then(() => this.onReady())
.catch((e) => {
let txt = uUtils.sprintf($._('apifailure'), apiName);
if (e && e.message) {
txt += ` (${e.message})`;
uUtils.error(e, txt);
config.mapApi = (apiName === 'gmaps') ? 'openlayers' : 'gmaps';
* @param {string} apiName
* @return {OpenLayersApi|GoogleMapsApi}
getApi(apiName) {
return apiName === 'gmaps' ? new GoogleMapsApi(this) : new OpenLayersApi(this);
onReady() {
if (this.savedBounds) {
if (this.state.currentTrack) {
this.api.displayTrack(this.state.currentTrack, this.savedBounds === null);
config.onChanged('mapApi', (mapApi) => {
this.state.onChanged('currentTrack', (track) => {
if (track) {
uObserve.observe(track, 'positions', () => {
this.api.displayTrack(track, false);
this.api.displayTrack(track, true);
* Get popup html
* @param {number} id Position ID
* @returns {string}
getPopupHtml(id) {
const pos = this.state.currentTrack.positions[id];
const count = this.state.currentTrack.length;
let date = '';
let time = '';
if (pos.timestamp > 0) {
const dateTime = uUtils.getTimeString(new Date(pos.timestamp * 1000));
date = dateTime.date;
time = `${dateTime.time}<span class="smaller">${dateTime.zone}</span>`;
let provider = '';
if (pos.provider === 'gps') {
provider = ` (<img class="icon" alt="${$._('gps')}" title="${$._('gps')}" src="images/gps_dark.svg">)`;
} else if (pos.provider === 'network') {
provider = ` (<img class="icon" alt="${$._('network')}" title="${$._('network')}" src="images/network_dark.svg">)`;
let stats = '';
if (!this.state.showLatest) {
stats =
`<div id="pright">
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('track')}" src="images/stats_blue.svg" style="padding-left: 3em;"><br>
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('ttime')}" title="${$._('ttime')}" src="images/time_blue.svg"> ${$.getLocaleDuration(pos.totalSeconds)}<br>
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('aspeed')}" title="${$._('aspeed')}" src="images/speed_blue.svg"> ${$.getLocaleSpeed(pos.totalSpeed, true)}<br>
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('tdistance')}" title="${$._('tdistance')}" src="images/distance_blue.svg"> ${$.getLocaleDistanceMajor(pos.totalMeters, true)}<br>
return `<div id="popup">
<div id="pheader">
<div><img alt="${$._('user')}" title="${$._('user')}" src="images/user_dark.svg"> ${uUtils.htmlEncode(pos.username)}</div>
<div><img alt="${$._('track')}" title="${$._('track')}" src="images/route_dark.svg"> ${uUtils.htmlEncode(pos.trackname)}</div>
<div id="pbody">
${(pos.hasComment()) ? `<div id="pcomments">${uUtils.htmlEncode(pos.comment)}</div>` : ''}
${(pos.hasImage()) ? `<div id="pimage"><img src="uploads/${pos.image}" alt="image"></div>` : ''}
<div id="pleft">
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('time')}" title="${$._('time')}" src="images/calendar_dark.svg"> ${date}<br>
<img class="icon" alt="${$._('time')}" title="${$._('time')}" src="images/clock_dark.svg"> ${time}<br>
${(pos.speed !== null) ? `<img class="icon" alt="${$._('speed')}" title="${$._('speed')}" src="images/speed_dark.svg">${$.getLocaleSpeed(pos.speed, true)}<br>` : ''}
${(pos.altitude !== null) ? `<img class="icon" alt="${$._('altitude')}" title="${$._('altitude')}" src="images/altitude_dark.svg">${$.getLocaleAltitude(pos.altitude, true)}<br>` : ''}
${(pos.accuracy !== null) ? `<img class="icon" alt="${$._('accuracy')}" title="${$._('accuracy')}" src="images/accuracy_dark.svg">${$.getLocaleAccuracy(pos.accuracy, true)}${provider}<br>` : ''}
<div id="pfooter">${uUtils.sprintf($._('pointof'), id + 1, count)}</div>
* Get SVG marker path
* @param {boolean} isLarge Large marker with hole if true
* @return {string}
static getMarkerPath(isLarge) {
const markerHole = 'M15,34.911c0,0,0.359-3.922,1.807-8.588c0.414-1.337,1.011-2.587,2.495-4.159' +
'c1.152-1.223,3.073-2.393,3.909-4.447c1.681-6.306-3.676-9.258-8.211-9.258c-4.536,0-9.893,2.952-8.211,9.258' +
'c0.836,2.055,2.756,3.225,3.91,4.447c1.484,1.572,2.08,2.822,2.495,4.159C14.64,30.989,15,34.911,15,34.911z M18,15.922' +
const marker = 'M14.999,34.911c0,0,0.232-1.275,1.162-4.848c0.268-1.023,0.652-1.98,1.605-3.184' +
'c0.742-0.937,1.975-1.832,2.514-3.404c1.082-4.828-2.363-7.088-5.281-7.088c-2.915,0-6.361,2.26-5.278,7.088' +
return isLarge ? markerHole : marker;
* Get marker extra mark
* @param {boolean} isLarge
* @return {string}
static getMarkerExtra(isLarge) {
const offset1 = isLarge ? 'M26.074,13.517' : 'M23.328,20.715';
const offset2 = isLarge ? 'M28.232,10.942' : 'M25.486,18.141';
return `<path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="2" d="${offset1}c0-3.961-3.243-7.167-7.251-7.167"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="2" d="${offset2}c-0.5-4.028-3.642-7.083-7.724-7.542"/>`;
* Get inline SVG source
* @param {string} fill
* @param {boolean=} isLarge
* @param {boolean=} isExtra
* @return {string}
static getSvgSrc(fill, isLarge, isExtra) {
const svg = `<svg viewBox="0 0 30 35" width="30px" height="35px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g><path stroke="black" fill="${fill}" d="${MapViewModel.getMarkerPath(isLarge)}"/>${isExtra ? MapViewModel.getMarkerExtra(isLarge) : ''}</g></svg>`;
return `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}`;